The healing power of blackcurrant

Superfruit does not have to come from exotic places. According to experts, the blackcurrant is healthier than, for example, the goji berry. Blackcurrants do well in the garden. It is a tasty fruit with a lot of medicinal properties. The blackcurrant is rich in antioxidants. It’s easy to make jam from blackcurrants if you have too many. It is a nice plant for the vegetable garden. It gives you delicious berries every year. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • Blackcurrant is a superfood
  • Cassis
  • Blackcurrant cuttings
  • Blackcurrant nutritional value
  • Medicinal plant
  • External use
  • Tea from the leaves
  • Blackcurrant juice for the throat
  • Blackcurrant seeds are good for the blood vessels
  • Eating tips blackcurrants


Blackcurrant is a superfood

According to research by the Scottish Crop Research Institute, blackcurrant is number 1 when it comes to antioxidants. They are healthier than goji berries. According to this Scottish institute, raspberries ranked number two, followed by blueberries, strawberries and pomegranates. The berry is richly filled with phytonutrients anthocyanins, which have a strong antioxidant effect. It is one of the most nutritious fruits on earth.


Blackcurrants grow in Northern Asia, Northern Europe and Central Europe. They can withstand the cold and humidity well and are therefore native to the Netherlands and Belgium. Blackcurrants grow wild in Dutch deciduous forests. They like a wooded area. The black juice is called cassis. A fruit juice is also made from this juice and it is the basis for the cassis that we know as sparkling lemonade.

Blackcurrant cuttings

You can easily propagate the blackcurrant bush by taking cuttings. When you prune the shrub, do not throw away the twigs, but place them in water as long as roots develop. Then you put them in a pot with soil on the windowsill. After a few months the plants are strong enough to place outside. You can then put them in a large pot or plant them in the ground.

Blackcurrant nutritional value

Blackcurrants contain healthy vitamins and minerals. The berry contains vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6 C and E. Due to its vitamin C and E content, it is already packed with antioxidants. It contains the minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. There are many polyphenols and other phytonutrients in blackcurrants. It is full of the anthocyanins chrysanthemine, antirrhinin tulipanin and myrtillin. The latter stabilizes blood sugar levels, which means less insulin is needed. Diabetes patients (type 2) benefit from eating blackcurrants.

Medicinal plant

The blackcurrant is not only a culinary delight but also a proven medicinal plant. In the 18th century, an abbot at the Dijon Monastery said that blackcurrants guarantee eternal youth. Blackcurrant works well to prevent the age-related disease rheumatism and also reduces existing rheumatic complaints. It is also said to stimulate the functioning of the liver, pancreas, spleen and kidneys. Furthermore, blackcurrant is said to work well for people who suffer from asthma.Blackcurrants on the bush / Source: Jerzy Opioa, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

External use

Blackcurrant juice also works against skin diseases such as eczema, dermatosis, abscesses and insect bites. The flowers of the blackcurrant bush are used for their medicinal effect on urticaria or hives.

Tea from the leaves

The leaves of the blackcurrant plant can be used to make tea. Two teaspoons of leaves are sufficient to make 250 ml of tea.

Blackcurrant juice for the throat

Gargling with blackcurrant juice is good for the tonsils. If these hurt, blackcurrant can offer a solution. It also helps against inflammation in the digestive tract.

Blackcurrant seeds are good for the blood vessels

The essential fatty acid Alpha-linolenic acid is also found in blackcurrants. This is a fatty acid that occurs in some vegetable oils. It is an omega 3 fatty acid that is indispensable in the body for the eyes, brain, hearing and heart. The seeds of the blackcurrant also contain gamma-linolenic acid. This substance has a vasodilator, antithrombotic and blood pressure lowering effect. In addition, scientific research has shown that oil made from blackcurrant seeds reduces the risk of constitutional eczema in babies if the breastfeeding mother uses this oil.

Eating tips blackcurrants

Blackcurrants are a tasty fruit to snack on. You can also place them next to a scoop of ice cream as a decoration for dessert. Blackcurrants don’t look out of place in a tasty summer fruit salad. You can simply puree them and mix them with honey to make a sauce that you can put on pancakes, crêpes or homemade ice cream. It is a valuable fruit for making delicious jams.

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  • The medicinal power of radish
  • Goji berry, a powerful medicinal fruit
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