What are phytonutrients?

Phytonutrients are substances found in plant foods that are very important for human health. They’re not really nutrients in the sense that they fill you up. These are substances that are useful in very low quantities, a few micrograms. They help activate all kinds of processes in the body. The most important substances in plants are phytohormones also called plant sterols. These stimulate the various glands in the body to produce substances that the body needs most at that moment. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • What are phytonutrients?
  • Good against lifestyle diseases
  • Decrease in phytonutrients
  • Basics for medicine
  • Lycopene, a cartenoid


What are phytonutrients?

Phytonutrients are bioactive components of edible plants. Minerals and vitamins are classified as phytonutrients. In addition, there are a large number of other nutrients that people benefit from. Bitter substances, alkaloids, tannins, glycosides, saponins, organic acids, resins and mucilages are different categories of phytonutrients.

Good against lifestyle diseases

Phytonutrients are good against cancer, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. Plant products contain phytonutrients. Phyto means vegetable and nutrient means nutrient. They are also called phytochemicals. They are of course chemical compounds but not artificial compounds; they only occur in plant products.

Decrease in phytonutrients

It has been shown that over the last 20 years the number of phytonutrients in food has decreased enormously. This is due to pesticides used and cultivation on impoverished soil. Another reason that people today consume fewer phytonutrients is because we eat a lot of processed food.

Basics for medicine

Phytonutrients often form the basis for medicines. Aspirin is an artificial, synthesized substance that used to be made from willow trees. Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine, ordered people to drink willow leaf tea for fever 2,500 years ago. The phytonutrient salicin is responsible for the anti-fever effect of willow leaf. Another example is the anticancer drug taxol. This is obtained by extracting phytonutrients from theyew .

Lycopene, a cartenoid

In total there are 5000 different phytonutrients. These substances are being extensively researched and the science about them has not yet been fully developed. To explain this, one phytonutrient has been highlighted in this article. Some phytonutrients are not removed by cooking or baking. An example of this is lycopene, which is mainly found in tomatoes. There are various stories going around about lycopene. Most studies show that lycopene is effective against cancer. In addition to tomatoes, lycopene is also found in red-orange vegetables and fruits such as carrots, papaya, pink guava, pink grapefruit, goji berries and red peppers.

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