The healing power of mustard

Do you like to snack on cheese? Use mustard on the side. This ensures faster breakdown of fats. This is the ideal way to maintain your weight. Mustard is a super healthy addition to food. It contains all kinds of important minerals and phytonutrients. There are yellow and black mustard seeds. The black ones are mainly used in India and the Middle East. These are slightly sharper than the yellow ones. Nowadays Abraham also gets his mustard in the Netherlands. Zaanse mustard, Groningen mustard and Doesburg mustard are household names in the culinary world. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • Jesus and the mustard plant
  • Minerals in mustard
  • The anti-cancer effect
  • Influences of mustard on the body
  • Medical applications
  • Leaves of the mustard plant
  • Hippocrates used mustard seed as a medicine
  • Mustard eating tips


Jesus and the mustard plant

The tiny mustard seed contains great healing power. It is a miracle that such a small round black seed, smaller than a pinhead, can produce a huge plant. Jesus made a beautiful comparison of what divine power can do in man and how mustard seeds can sprout in the earth into a plant that produces thousands of mustard seeds. Jesus would certainly have known about the healing powers of mustard seeds.

Minerals in mustard

Mustard seeds contain the minerals selenium, phosphorus, manganese and magnesium. Furthermore, it is a source of tryptophan, which is an essential amino acid. It even contains omega3 fats. Mustard seed is a slimming agent. It promotes the burning of fats in the body, hydrolysis. So it doesn’t hurt to put mustard on your cheese. Mustard also contains all kinds of vitamins, such as vitamins from the B complex and vitamin K, but the amount is relatively small. Yet these vitamins ensure the overall health-promoting effect of mustard.

The anti-cancer effect

The mustard seed has been scientifically investigated many times for its anti-cancer effect. It turns out that mustard seeds both slow the development of existing cancer cells and prevent the production of new cancer cells. It is particularly helpful against colon cancer and stomach cancer. The active substances in mustard seeds are called glucosinolates. These are broken down by the myrosinase enzymes found in mustard seeds into useful phytonutrients for the body. Mustard fits perfectly into a diet during chemotherapy.

Influences of mustard on the body

The minerals in mustard together ensure a faster metabolism. This means that your food is better digested. The ground mustard seeds have a laxative effect. Mustard also lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis. Mustard has an anti-inflammatory effect. It keeps your intestines healthy. The body’s immune system is strengthened by mustard.

Medical applications

According to scientific research, eating mustard seeds and leaves or mustard itself can relieve migraines. It has been applied to the skin in Indian traditional medicine for millennia to soothe muscle pain. Suske en Wiske readers may know that Aunt Sidonia sometimes made a mustard foot bath. There is a tiny amount of sulfur in mustard and that can reduce skin infections. The skin of your feet can definitely improve after a foot bath with this yellowish miracle product. Whether a mustard bath actually calmed Sidonia down has not been scientifically confirmed. Maybe that was based on imagination.

Leaves of the mustard plant

Anyone who has the mustard plant in their garden can also enjoy its leaves. Just like the seeds, these are very nutritious. The leaves are great in a mixed salad with, for example, dandelion leaves, ground elder, lettuce, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. The leaves of the mustard plant taste a bit peppery, but less sharp than mustard seeds. You can cook them like a vegetable.

Hippocrates used mustard seed as a medicine

Hippocrates, a scholar from ancient Greece, knew about the medicinal properties of mustard seeds. This Greek scientist laid the foundation of modern medicine. One of his famous quotes is “Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.” The ancient Romans first created a mustard seed paste that is now known as mustard.

Mustard eating tips

Mustard seeds are delicious in a salad. Make a mustard soup. Mustard goes well with all types of young, old and mature cheese. Make sure there is a dipping sauce with cheese made of pure mustard. When you like fried food, you know you are doing something unhealthy. You can compensate for this somewhat by dipping a croquette in mustard. You can enrich mayonnaise with a teaspoon of mustard. Normally there is also mustard in mayonnaise. Also choose to make your own mayonnaise with extra mustard. You can make a delicious honey-mustard dressing over a salad, using only the ingredients honey, vinegar and mustard. Honey and vinegar are, in addition to mustard, very healthy ingredients. You can also simply put mustard on your plate to coat boiled potatoes. It is nice to add a tablespoon of mustard to a stew.

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