Exercise outside with allergies during pollen season

Having an allergy can be very annoying during the pollen season, causing you to cough, sneeze, have red eyes and a heavy oppressive feeling. However, you also like to exercise, so you need to find a way to enjoy exercising in the open air. How can you do outdoor activities during the pollen season from spring to summer without suffering from allergies?

Exercising outside with allergies

  • An allergy can have drastic consequences
  • Know what causes your allergy
  • Do not train at sunrise and sunset
  • Avoid dry windy days, exercise after rainfall
  • Which outdoor activity is suitable?
  • Use anti-allergy medication
  • You can also do exercises indoors


An allergy can have drastic consequences

Doing exercises such as sports and exercise is always good for the body. But how do you combine exercise and outdoor activities if you have an allergy? Having an allergy can be very annoying, especially if you want to do activities outdoors. An allergy can suddenly take you by surprise and feel very tight in your chest. You are sniffling a lot, spluttering and breathing is very difficult. You can have a really bad time with an allergy attack. What can you do when spring comes again and allergy season is around the corner?

Know what causes your allergy

It is of course necessary that you know what causes your allergy. If you are mainly allergic to cat hair, you may be able to carry out outdoor activities in the spring without any problems. If you are allergic to dust and pollen, it may be problematic to do anything. It is important that you keep an eye on the weather forecasts. During the same period, during dry, warm, beautiful weather, flowers and trees can maximally pollinate the air with their pollen, causing the concentration to peak on some days. The KNMI often also provides an allergy forecast so that you are well prepared.

Do not train at sunrise and sunset

In good weather, pollen is mainly released into the air at sunrise and sunset. The first rays of sunshine cause the air to rise, causing the pollen to become better in the air and when night falls there is often a refreshing breeze. During that period it is mainly unsuitable to go outside. If a lot of pollen enters the air, the concentration can also be high for a long time during the day. If you want to train during that period, it is wise to wear a face mask that pollen cannot pass through. This way you can breathe normally without having allergy problems. When you get home, rinse your nostrils with an anti-pollen spray.

Avoid dry windy days, exercise after rainfall

Pollen is mainly in the air during spring. But even on days when it is dry and the wind blows hard, dried pollen and dust can enter the air, causing your allergies to flare up again. Normally, allergy season for many people lasts from early April until well into the summer months. Depending on the severity of your allergy, you may suffer for a long time. In addition to sniffling and coughing, you may have watery or red dry eyes. It is always difficult to stay away from itchy eyes, which worsens the conditions. If the humidity is also high, it can put extra pressure on the lungs, making it very difficult to breathe. If there has been a summer shower where it can sometimes rain just as hard, then it is time for you to exercise. Rain purifies the air of pollen and dust and that is the ultimate moment for you as an allergic person to go outside. Then you often do not need to take any measures for your allergy. It is as if you can breathe normally again.

Which outdoor activity is suitable?

Sports that require a lot of breathing increases the risk of inhaling pollen. Often sports that require intensive effort after which you need to rest are unsuitable for the allergic person. Sports where breathing is relatively continuous, such as gentle jogging, is much more beneficial. This also has to do with the fact that in oppressive weather the allergic person quickly develops lung problems. Gentle jogging improves lung capacity. Swimming is also beneficial because the water drips around your body and, relatively speaking, the air is also somewhat purified. It is also good to go swimming in the cool evening, because the relatively warm pool water evaporates so that the upper air rises slightly and thus drives away the pollen. Avoid exercising while it is still raining, as this can cause pneumonia. Of course, walking with an umbrella is possible.

Use anti-allergy medication

If you exercise outside, it is always important that you take your anti-allergy medication during the risk months. And never wait too long to take your medicine and start taking it a few weeks before the pollen season starts. For outdoor activities, choose the most suitable time when the chance of pollen in the air is small. If there is little wind and the weather is not too sultry, you can go outside after the early morning to exercise. If it has just rained, that is always the right time. However, if you feel uncomfortable after outdoor activities, it is time to go back inside. Do not continue with your exercises.

You can also do exercises indoors

If it is dry outside, there is a bit of wind and there is expected to be a lot of pollen in the air, do not go outside if you suffer from extreme allergic reactions. You can also exercise at home. Stretching exercises, running on the treadmill, cycling, etc. can all be done indoors. Turn on the air conditioning for plenty of fresh air and you will feel reborn. Avoid the allergens by staying indoors at those times.

read more

  • How do you avoid asthma causes?
  • EpiPen: life-saving injection for allergic reactions

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