Losing weight and calories: Oliebollen and apple turnovers

Losing weight and December often don’t seem to go together. Just after Christmas, New Year’s Eve is just around the corner. Then you will come across the oliebollen stalls again on every street corner. Now oliebollen are not the most sensible snacks if you want to lose weight. But an oliebol is healthier than is often thought. Especially if one were to replace an oliebol with an apple fritter. Then a nice, fatty treat during New Year’s Eve won’t do much harm. It is only very important that people know what they are eating. It is important to know how many calories are in an oliebol, apple fritter, apple turnover and other delicacies. This way you can also make conscious choices during New Year’s Eve.Source: Eliens, Pixabay

Oliebollen and losing weight

At first glance, dieting and losing weight do not seem to go together. However, an oliebol as a snack does not always appear to be an unwise choice. Especially when conscious choices are made, an oliebol often turns out not to be that unhealthy. Not less healthy than is often thought. The overview below indicates how many calories most New Year’s Eve treats contain.

Calories: Oliebollen, apple turnovers and oliebollen with currants

The most commonly eaten delicacies on New Year’s Eve are apple turnovers and oliebollen. This table indicates how many calories it contains.

Delicacy Quantity Weight Number of calories*
Apple fritter 1 piece 55 grams 100 kcal
Appelcarre 1 piece 110 grams 350 kcal
Apple turnover 1 piece 100 grams 400 kcal
Apple bun 1 piece 100 grams 196 kcal
Fruit doughnut 1 piece 75 grams 135 kcal
Oliebol with currants 1 piece 75 grams 167 kcal
Oliebol with powdered sugar 1 piece 75 grams 165 kcal

* The number of calories mentioned are averages. One oliebol is much fatter than the other. The annual oliebollen test by Algemeen Dagblad showed that in some cases an oliebollen can contain almost 25% fat. An oliebol with such a high fat percentage will contain more calories than an oliebol with an average fat percentage of between 10.4 and 14% fat.

Tips for “healthy” oliebollen

If you are going to bake oliebollen yourself and want to keep the oliebollen as healthy as possible, it is important that the oliebollen are fried in liquid frying fat. Before you start frying, make sure that the frying fat has a temperature of at least 180 degrees Celsius. This ensures that the oliebol sears quickly during baking and therefore absorbs a minimum of fat.Smaller oliebollen If you want to watch your diet during New Year’s Eve, but also just want to enjoy an oliebollen , you can choose to bake smaller oliebollen. If you bake smaller oliebollen, you can enjoy 1 or even 2 oliebollen without having to feel guilty about the many calories.

Apple turnovers

If you would like to bake healthier apple turnovers yourself, you can choose to replace the puff pastry with filo pastry. Filo pastry contains much less fat and calories than puff pastry

Oliebollen compared to other delicacies

We often regard an oliebol as a fatty snack and an unhealthy delicacy. Now an oliebol is certainly not healthy if one were to compare these oliebollen with an apple or orange. When one compares an oliebol with, for example, an egg cake, one suddenly makes a major discovery. An oliebol suddenly turns out not to be such an unhealthy choice.An oliebol contains 256 kcal per 100 grams and an egg cake contains 287 kcal per 100 grams. Also compared to other delicacies and snacks, such as a slice of cake, a piece of speculaas, a stroopwafel or a filled cookie, the oliebol appears to contain the fewest calories.

read more

  • Oliebollen, are they healthy or unhealthy?
  • Losing weight: An oliebol is healthier than an egg cake!
  • The tastiest recipe for oliebol without milk

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