Herbs for anxiety

Anxiety is considered a free, untethered state, not tied to any particular situation. Fear is a normal, innate response to threat or to the absence of people or objects that provide safety and protection. Fear is part of living beings and can therefore never be completely avoided. Relief from anxiety is possible and the use of herbs and nutrition can help. In addition to psychological and social factors, all kinds of substances can trigger anxiety: caffeine (more than 700 mg per day), codeine, marijuana, etc. Physical disorders can also provoke anxiety; hypoglycemia, myocardial infarction, hyperthyroidism, acute increase in blood pressure, etc. Serious events or messages can also cause anxiety.

Anxiety and the brain

Anxiety is caused by the processing of all kinds of impulses in the brain. The impulses from outside are linked here to cognitions and emotions in interaction with information to and from the body. Anxiety can arise as a result of this processing. The amygdala and its connection with the hypothalamus, among others, plays a central role in both normal and pathological fear. In this circuit, the severity of the threat is evaluated and the emotional response associated with it is also evaluated. Overstimulation of the amygdala could be the basis of pathological fear.Pharmacologists have made it plausible that certain biochemical processes in the limbic system are responsible for the development of anxiety. The nerve impulse is transmitted from one cell to another in the synapse by means of neurotransmitters. The neurotransmitters are secreted from the end of a dendrite and bind to specific receptors (complex proteins) of the next nerve cell.

Therapies for anxiety

Relaxation exercises, transcendental meditation, directive therapy with advice, behavioral therapy and psychotherapy are possible ­forms of treatment. The pharmacotherapy of anxiety disorders includes the administration of benzodiazepines and antidepressants. Benzodiazepines are mainly indicated if somatic complaints are also present. The advantage of benzodiazepines is their good tolerability and rapid onset of action. The risk of dependence and side effects (sedation, strengthening of the effect of alcohol) can be mentioned as a disadvantage.

Piper methysticum or Kawa against anxiety

The therapeutic effectiveness of kava as an anxiolytic agent is supported by numerous double-blind clinical studies. Groups administered kava (verum group) scored better on psychological tests than placebo groups. The anxiolytic effect of kava is comparable to the classic tranquilizers (benzodiazepines) without the negative side effect: it has a relaxing and euphoric effect without withdrawal symptoms, physical dependence, cardiotoxic side effects and memory disorders, improvement of sleep quality and slight improvement of wakefulness and the ability to concentrate. The kavalactones work synergistically (greater effectiveness of the whole than of the individual parts). Kava has a relaxing and spasmolytic effect on muscle spasms due to nervous tension and tension headaches and neck pain.

Other herbs for anxiety

All herbs for the nervous system, both tonic (thyme, rosemary, St. John’s wort and lemon balm) and sedative (valerian, passiflora and hops) can be used against anxiety, depending on the symptoms.


Fragrances can create a relaxing, uplifting atmosphere but can also directly stimulate certain brain centers. The most harmonizing is real lavender/Lavandula angustifolia, but also Citrus species, Melissa and many others influence the vegetative nervous system to some extent.

Some references

Kyle, G. Evaluating the effectiveness of aromatherapy in reducing levels of anxiety in palliative care patients: results of a pilot study. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2006;12(2):148-155. View AbstractHongratanaworakit, T., Heuberger, E., and Buchbauer, G. Evaluation of the effects of East Indian sandalwood oil and alpha-santalol on humans after transdermal absorption. Planta Med 2004;70(1):3-7. ViewAbstract

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  • Adaptogens, plants for harmony
  • Kavalactones in Piper methysticum
  • Kawa-Kawa, a ritual drink

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