Pregnancy ailments

Nausea, heartburn, constipation, you’ll suffer from it all. Useful to know what causes it and what can help against it.


Fatigue mainly occurs in the first three months. Your body has to adjust to pregnancy. The placenta is formed during this period and a clump of cells grows into a complete human being. That takes a lot of energy. What you could do about this is rest a lot, sometimes fatigue is a result of iron deficiency. You can prevent this by eating iron-rich products: legumes, apple syrup, (green) vegetables, meat and fish are well-known iron products.


The pregnancy hormone HCG that runs through your body is the cause of this. Your body has to get used to this hormone. That takes about three months. That is why many pregnant women feel nauseous, especially during the first trimester. Try to eat something light in the morning before you get up. A cracker or a rusk, for example. Eat small amounts throughout the day instead of three large meals and avoid fatty and spicy foods. Some women swear by vanilla custard or cola.


It is said that (calf) cramps are a symptom of magnesium deficiency. Eat and drink enough dairy products. You can try to see if your complaints decrease if you take (extra) magnesium. However, never take more than the prescribed amount and always in consultation with your midwife. And leave your heels in the closet for now.

Bleeding gums

Your gums now have more blood flow and are softer than normal. However, bleeding gums can also be ‘simply’ a consequence of poorer oral hygiene; You may snack more now that you are pregnant or be less careful with brushing and flossing your teeth because you are simply tired. Ensure healthy teeth. Visit the dentist now and use toothpicks to keep the space between your teeth clean. You can also rinse with chamomile tea, chamomile disinfects.

Retaining moisture

Your blood is thinner during pregnancy, making it easier to flow from the blood vessels into the tissues. Keep it cool. Heat causes you to retain more moisture and that is not good. Don’t eat too many salty things, such as chips or licorice. If you have a job that requires you to sit a lot, get up every now and then and walk a bit. Celery is known for its diuretic effect, and there is also special diuretic tea.


The hormone progesterone is the cause of this. This hormone ensures that your uterus does not contract too much. Unfortunately, in the same way it also shuts down your intestines. Eat lots of fiber. So don’t eat pizza, rusk and white bread, as this has a constipating effect. It is also better to leave bananas and blackcurrants for a while, just like chocolate. Choose whole grain products, such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta or legumes. Fruit, especially kiwis, are also good. Drink enough water and exercise a lot.


Hemorrhoids are varicose veins on the rectum or around the anus. Just like regular varicose veins, they are caused by the hormone progesterone. The most important thing to prevent hemorrhoids is to ensure soft stools. Go to the toilet as soon as you feel the urge and try not to push. Eat as much fiber and fluid-rich food as possible. Do you have them? Rinse with water instead of wiping with toilet paper. Pressing something cold against the hemorrhoid can also reduce the pain somewhat.


Dizziness is caused by (too) low blood pressure. Sit down for a moment before you get up. If your blood pressure is too low, it can sometimes help to eat or drink something salty, such as a cup of broth.


In most cases, itching is caused by your skin being under tension or being very dry. Sometimes there is more going on: bile engorgement. Certain bile substances then enter your blood, which causes itching. This does not happen often, but it is therefore wise to discuss such complaints with your midwife. Do not wear tight-fitting clothing and make sure you do not perspire too much. In case of severe itching, a cold shower sometimes provides relief. If you have itching because your skin is dry, it helps to keep it oily. Almond oil is a suitable remedy for this. And try not to scratch, no matter how difficult this is, this will only make the itching worse!


Progesterone is also to blame here. Under the influence of this hormone, the barrier between your stomach and your esophagus has become wider. Because your baby is getting bigger, there is more pressure on your stomach. Your stomach, as it were, ‘overflows’ and the stomach acid ends up in the esophagus. That gives a burning feeling. Products that bind stomach acid are milk, a piece of bread, peppermint. An extra pillow under your head when you sleep can also make a difference. Avoid sharp herbs or too much coffee.

Varicose veins

Progesterone is also the cause here, it not only relaxes your uterus and intestines, but also the walls of your blood vessels. These expand and as your belly gets bigger, they can become a bit pinched. Do not stand for too long and sit with your legs crossed as much as possible. It is better not to wear constricting clothing and, if necessary, take a cold shower for better blood circulation, or have your legs massaged. If you have varicose veins on your labia, you can wear a sturdy sanitary napkin to provide counter pressure.

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