Sex to get pregnant

Usually sex is just very pleasant, but if two people have to have sex to get pregnant, the fun can end very quickly. But even then, or especially then, it is important to enjoy having sex. Working frantically is usually not beneficial if you want to stimulate the process of becoming pregnant.

When to alarm?

Possibly easier said than done, but convulsive sex is not only less fun, but also not conducive to the process itself. About 70% of women are pregnant within six months and about 85% are pregnant within a year after stopping contraception (comparatively, women under the age of 30 have approximately a 15% chance of becoming pregnant per month). Especially in the first year, it is a matter of having sex, having a lot of fun and hoping that you will become pregnant during the year. Assuming that you do not know in advance whether there is anything hereditary related to reduced fertility and pregnancy in the family. Even if there is nothing hereditary in the family, a very large amount of caffeine, but also a good dose of stress, can negatively influence the process. Moreover, it is always good to live a healthy lifestyle, not to drink alcohol and not to smoke, during the process of becoming pregnant and when you are pregnant.If the 1st year does not produce any results, a visit to the doctor cannot hurt (if you are over 35 years old, waiting one year may be a bit long, but if necessary, contact your doctor sooner). The doctor may decide to examine you and may advise you to wait a little longer. But it is also possible that they will send you directly to a fertility center or gynecologist. In all cases, it is not said that you cannot become pregnant normally, but more attention is paid to this. But before you go into the medical mill, timed sex can also be an option. Timed lovemaking can feel very unnatural. Fortunately, you can do something about that and at least give it a little more attention, so that it is still enjoyable to have sex together.

Want to (try to) manage the process?

It is logical that when you have decided to have children and it does not work out immediately, you are more aware that it may not all happen automatically. However, it is and remains important that your life is still fun with your partner at this moment and that nothing is wrong at all. Try to go into the process of becoming pregnant as relaxed as possible and just, like before, have fun with sex with your partner. If you want to try to control the process more, and people like to be in control, you can time it.


First take a good look at your cycle and if it is a model cycle, then your ovulation is relatively easy to calculate (28 day cycle means, 14th day after 1st day of menstruation is ovulation. 1 to 2 days before sex is best). But most women do have a small deviation in their cycle (which is nothing wrong with that). But this means that it is a bit cleaner if you time when you ovulate. There are ovulation tests for this, but some women have that specific ovulation pain or the vaginal discharge is abnormal (think of the color of egg white before the egg is cooked).

Make sure you have fun!

Even if you want to control the process a little more (think, for example, of the people who set the agenda for having sex), make sure you keep fun in the game. Surprise each other and don’t just focus on sex during the fertile days. Consider informing your partner that you are currently ovulating. It can take the pressure off the man (having to perform) and possibly help make the process a bit more relaxed. Please consider for yourself what will work best in your situation.Also surprise and seduce each other during the period when you can become pregnant. Make a small party together of all the lovemaking, which makes lovemaking during the fertile period a little less stressful.


It is very human that once you have decided that you want to have children, you also want to get pregnant quickly. But although this can have serious consequences, not everyone is able to become pregnant quickly. Don’t focus too much on the moment, have fun making out together and wait. Regular sex is good for people anyway and lets nature take its course without convulsive behavior. If it takes longer, you can always use some additional resources.

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