Toilet training children

Potty training children is not always easy. As a parent you have to put enough time and attention into it, so it is best to go for it together with your child. But how and when? This article contains a few tips and tricks.

Potty trained?

Being toilet trained means that your child does his or her business on the toilet or in a potty. Toilet training only makes sense when your child is ready, usually around the age of 2. As soon as your child starts showing interest in the toilet or tells you what is happening in the diaper, your child is probably ready.Girls are generally toilet trained a little earlier than boys. You sometimes hear of mothers who potty train their child after 2 weeks , this is not impossible but rare. Most children need a period of around three months.

Start with a jar

Buy the potty together with your child, so he or she can choose a color and this is a great opportunity to explain what the potty is for. You can first just place the potty in the living room to let your child get used to that crazy thing. First let your child sit on it with clothes or let the doll sit on it. Make it a game and show that it is fun. After a few days of potty play like this, you can try taking the diaper off. A romper is now very clumsy, underpants are easier and look neat. Make sure you have a few in stock in case of accidents . Just a shirt and otherwise naked is also possible. Now stay attentive and keep reminding the child of that beautiful pot. Explain it often and demonstrate it repeatedly using, for example, a doll.Under no circumstances should you force anything and don’t make a big deal about accidents. Start with just the morning, for example, to keep it fun for all parties. As soon as your child has put something in the potty, it’s party time! Show him or her that you are happy and praise him or her for this achievement. Being potty trained when it comes to urination is often quite quick, but most children find defecating a little more difficult. Let your child sit on the potty a little longer while you read a story or give your child a nice toy while he/she is pottying. This way your child will be a little more relaxed and will be able to express his or her big message more easily.

The toilet

Once your child has gotten used to peeing and pooping on the potty, you can now place the potty next to the toilet. Now your child will really have to walk to the toilet to do his or her business. The next step is the toilet with possibly a toilet seat reducer.

Important tips:

  • Never force yourself to sit on the potty or toilet, this will only be counterproductive.
  • Every time “it” is successful, we respond happily and enthusiastically.
  • Keep encouraging him or her.
  • Don’t be angry when you have an accident, even if it is the 10th time.
  • Drink a cup after every meal or put your child on the potty or toilet after a meal.
  • The sticker method can also help: Every time your child has done something in the potty or toilet, a sticker and, for example, 10 stickers, a present.
  • If it really doesn’t work, your child is probably not ready yet, wait a few more months and then try again.

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