What to do in case of complaints of hyperventilation

Hyperventilation is not a disease, but it is very unpleasant if one develops it. For example, physical and psychological problems can arise when an attack of hyperventilation occurs. Fortunately, there is something that can be done about this.

What is hyperventilation?

Hyperventilation is over-ventilation in which people breathe in and out too deeply and too quickly without being aware of it. This incorrect way of breathing causes too much carbon dioxide to be exhaled, which disrupts the body and can cause all kinds of physical and psychological complaints. This can cause shortness of breath, numbness in the arms and/or legs, dizziness, blurred vision, pain around the chest or even unconsciousness. These symptoms in turn cause fear of a new attack, which can cause breathing to accelerate and deepen even more.

Causes of hyperventilation

Because people hyperventilate, there is a shortage of carbon dioxide concentration in the blood. This can cause the body to function less well and can cause all kinds of symptoms. But psychological factors such as stress can also trigger hyperventilation: the sudden death of a loved one, an illness or other stress-inducing situations are causes that can provoke too deep breathing. You will then temporarily suffer from these symptoms until the stress period is over.Fear of a new attack of hyperventilation can also be a cause for having another attack again and again. This can cause you to end up in a vicious circle, which can also worsen the complaints.

What to do about hyperventilation

First of all, it is important to relearn the correct breathing pattern. Practice diaphragmatic breathing or abdominal breathing several times a day. This can be done standing or lying down. You can also call on a physiotherapist who will have you do a number of breathing exercises.Stress-reducing exercises or yoga can also be used to combat stress. This is especially recommended for people who quickly hyperventilate during moments of stress. You can also contact a psychologist for this if it turns out that the problems lie deeper.For emergency solutions in the event of an acute attack of hyperventilation, one can also use the well-known paper bag. Take a paper or plastic bag that you can hold against your mouth and nose. Take deep breaths into the bag until you feel it is back under control.

Breathing exercises

  • Sit on a chair or lie down
  • When you sit down, make sure your back is straight and your shoulders are relaxed
  • Place the hand you use to write on your stomach and the other on your chest
  • Breathe slowly through the nose while ensuring that your abdomen exceeds the chest as you inhale. The main intention here is to breathe more from the abdominal area than from the chest area.
  • Exhale slowly using pursed lips, which means making a small hole with your lips to blow out through. You should feel the resistance to the airflow this creates.
  • Breathe out until you feel the need to breathe in again naturally.
  • Perform this exercise about 30 times in the morning and evening.

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