Yoga against physical dissatisfaction

Yoga is centuries old and is now quite established in our Western culture. Yet many people still see yoga only for relaxation and exercise or “something in the alternative circuit” and that is especially a shame for yourself. Not many people know that yoga can also address special problem areas of the body, or at least they make no or very limited use of it. The fact that it is included in the “alternative circuit” will undoubtedly be part of this.

Back problems

Back problems are among the most common problems in humans. If not the shoulders, then certainly the lower back. Sometimes it is genetically determined that the weak spot, which everyone has somewhere in the body, is the lower back. But lower back problems are also often caused by incorrect posture. The posture caused by housework, working in the garden or a wrong sitting position often feels like cramping. This cramping can be resolved with a yoga exercise.


  • Lie stretched out on your back and ensure that the surface is not cold.
  • Pull both legs up to your chest and lower your knees outward. Make sure that your feet remain together above the ground.
  • Now place your hands on your knees to keep them in the correct position. Lie still and breathe deeply into your lower back. Make sure you focus on your lower back and continue breathing deeply in this position. You will slowly feel the tension in the muscles in question decrease.
  • Lie down like this for a while and as soon as the cramp subsides you can bring your knees together, put your feet on the floor and stand up in peace. You may repeat this exercise if desired.



Sometimes you can feel shivery even without it being really cold. This may have to do with an overactive mind, but it can also have to do with your resistance. There are different ways to get rid of that jitteriness, but you can be very efficient with a yoga exercise.


  • Stand up straight and although you normally try to make yourself smaller when you are chilly, don’t do that now.
  • Place your legs firmly on the floor with a little space between them and your arms alongside your body.
  • Now take concentrated, deep breaths. Let your chest expand and remember that all that inhaled air now flows through the veins and provides you with warmth. From your chest, your heart pumps oxygen-rich blood through your body to the tips of your fingers, toes and the top of your head.
  • At the same time, you start to pat yourself, as it were, with your hand in the shape of a fist. Very carefully tap one arm with your fist and alternate. Then the front of your body, the shoulders, the back and slowly bend forward towards your legs. Make sure you continue to concentrate on your breathing. If you can’t hold yourself up well, you can lean a little. Preferably not sitting down.



Everyone is just tired on a regular basis. Nothing wrong with that, but instead of sinking into a chair and trying to get rid of the fatigue, you can also do some yoga exercises that will give you that fit feeling again. An additional advantage is that it also works faster.


  • Withdraw from the “now” and live in your own world for a while. Feel your body, and with it the fatigue, and stand relaxed in a quiet room and concentrate on your body.
  • The blood circulation in the body stimulates recovery and you can stimulate blood circulation by stretching yourself well. Start with that and make your body big, as big as possible. Spread the arms and straighten the legs. Do this alternately for a minute or so.
  • If your eyes are also tired, place your hands like shells on your eyes and warm them with your palms. The energy from the hands will make the eyes feel fresher again.
  • You can achieve the refreshed feeling – which can make you feel nice and relaxed – by raising your arms laterally from a standing position until your hands are above your head (you do this while inhaling). Interlace your fingers above your head and hold for a moment. Then let the arms slowly lower again and hang along the body. Repeat this until you feel fresh again.



Yoga is nothing more or less than good concentration, being able to put the outside world on hold for a while (and thus focusing on just being yourself), awareness and the realization that your body can regulate everything itself. Keeping body and mind together and in touch is something you can also learn with yoga. You just shouldn’t see it as a hype, something interesting or whatever, you should really just do it for yourself.

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