How valuable is parsley for our health?

Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a biennial, winter-hardy, herbaceous plant from the umbelliferous family (Apiaccae). Parsley can be valuable for the nerves due to its high iron content. Due to its high vitamin C content, parsley even has anti-cancer properties and can also serve as a supplement to our daily vitamin needs. The immune system will benefit.

What good properties does parsley have?

The good properties of parsley are as follows:

  • Works well against intestinal parasites and prevents dissolution of intestinal contents;
  • Has a detoxifying and detoxifying effect;
  • Stimulates the appetite and strengthens the stomach;
  • Prevents bloating;
  • Is diuretic;
  • Stimulates the smooth muscles such as intestines, uterus, bile and bladder;
  • Is anti-inflammatory;
  • Stimulates the heart;
  • Works well against cholesterol;
  • Has a disinfectant effect on the urinary tract and digestive tract;
  • Helps prevent rickets (English disease);
  • Helps prevent liver disease;
  • Works against rheumatic complaints;
  • Helps with nervousness;
  • Helps prevent anemia and scurvy;
  • Cures diseases of the eyes caused by a deficiency of vitamin A;
  • Strengthens the immune system.


Origin and types of parsley

These plants originally come from the Mediterranean area. Parsley subsequently became popular, especially in Europe, America and the Middle East.

There are three known types

  • Curly parsley – good for garnish.
  • Flat-leaf parsley – can be cooked.
  • Parsley root – tastes like celeriac and parsnips.


What can parsley be used for?

Parsley can initially serve to supplement our daily vitamin needs, so that our body will not suffer from deficiencies. Parsley used to be used as medicine. It was discovered early on that parsley could strengthen the immune system. Parsley helps rid the body of toxins and is also good for the kidneys. Parsley is also a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C and iron.Parsley also contains a lot of vitamin B11, better known as folic acid. This is a vitamin that plays an important role in all kinds of tasks in our body, including the most important task: keeping the heart and blood vessels healthy. In addition , folic acid is also necessary for the production of red and white blood cells and is effective against cancer. Folic acid is extra important for pregnant women.

Parsley is packed with vitamins and minerals


  • Vitamins: A, B, C, K.
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Manganese
  • Sulfur



Curly parsley is delicious in cold dishes and drinks, but is also used to garnish hot dishes. Parsley can be finely chopped to sprinkle over salads and hot dishes or soups. Parsley can also be used in smoothies as a seasoning.


Despite all its good qualities, always use parsley sparingly. Because eating too much parsley can lead to side effects such as:

  • increased irritability,
  • stomach upset,
  • sudden drop in blood pressure.

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