A healthy lifestyle can prevent kidney damage

Kidneys filter the blood and remove waste products, which are excreted in the urine. If the kidneys no longer function properly, the excess fluid is not sufficiently removed and the body poisons itself. Damage to the kidneys usually occurs unnoticed. Kidneys can function less well for years without causing serious complaints. People with high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of kidney damage because these conditions are often caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Damage to the kidneys can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle.

The functioning of the kidneys

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, with a length of twelve cm and a weight of 160 grams. The kidneys are located between the upper edge of the pelvis and the lower ribs, on the back of the body. A kidney consists of a million nephrons that filter the blood and remove waste products. The waste products are excreted with urine produced by the kidneys. Healthy kidneys produce enough urine to maintain fluid balance in the body. Kidneys that do not work sufficiently no longer remove excess fluid, causing the body to poison itself.

Kidneys produce three important hormones

  • Hormones that maintain blood pressure.
  • Hormones that produce red blood cells.
  • Hormones that help in the formation of strong bones.


Common complaints with kidney damage

Kidneys can function less well for years without this being noticed. The first complaints only manifest themselves when approximately seventy percent of the kidney function has failed. The complaints are vague and can also occur with other conditions.Common complaints are:

  • fatigue
  • itch
  • nausea
  • lack of appetite


Complaints of severe kidney damage

In severe kidney damage, the fluid is no longer removed and the body poisons itself.Common complaints are:

  • Severe shortness of breath
  • Cardiovascular problems


The development of kidney damage

Kidney damage occurs acutely or is chronic. Acute kidney damage can be caused by an infection, an autoimmune disease, (the body breaks down the kidney cells), kidney stones or a tumor. Acute kidney damage is life-threatening, but the kidneys can recover after treatment. Chronic kidney damage develops gradually and becomes more common. Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common causes. Other causes are: obesity, too much salt in the diet and smoking. The kidneys also wear out as we age. From the age of forty, kidney function decreases.

Determining kidney damage

The functioning of the kidneys can be determined by taking a blood test or a urine test. To determine the cause, several tests are required, such as an ultrasound, X-ray, CT scan or kidney tissue examination.People over sixty, with high blood pressure, diabetes or cardiovascular disease, should have their kidney function checked annually.

The treatment

In the least serious case, a healthy lifestyle is sufficient to prevent further deterioration of the kidneys. With a kidney function of less than sixty percent, medications to reduce risk factors and further complications are necessary. To protect the kidneys, a low-protein and/or low-salt diet is prescribed. Kidney transplantation is necessary if the function is fifteen percent or less. Kidney dialysis is necessary until a possible transplant. Waste products are filtered from the blood outside the body using a special machine. The device can only partially remove waste products from the blood, which means that more waste products remain in the blood than is the case in healthy people. Because the device does not produce hormones, the patient must take medication for this.

The drug use

With reduced kidney function, medications are not always properly removed from the body. A normal dose may then be too high. Inform your doctor and pharmacist if you have reduced kidney function so that the dosage can be adjusted.

How do you prevent kidney damage?

A healthy lifestyle can prevent kidney damage and other chronic conditions. The body becomes healthier, you feel fitter, the risk of obesity decreases and the skin starts to look better. However, it is not that easy to change an unhealthy lifestyle into a healthy lifestyle. This requires perseverance, motivation and discipline.

What is a healthy lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle requires permanent changes in actions and thoughts.It is:

  • Healthy food
  • Enough movement
  • Good night
  • Preventing stress
  • A good balance between work and relaxation


Healthy food

Healthy food consists of a varied diet. It contains all the nutrients the body needs to function properly. It is also important to limit salt use. The daily recommended amount of salt is a maximum of six grams, but you get much more through processed foods (sauces, ready-made meals). Salt retains fluid, which increases blood pressure and increases the risk of kidney damage. Also limit eating unhealthy snacks and alcoholic drinks.

Rest and exercise

Exercise is good for the body. For adults, 2.5 hours of moderately intensive exercise per week is sufficient, more exercise is even better. Exercise also reduces stress. Stress has a negative effect on health and exercise makes you feel more relaxed. Stress also reduces with a good balance between work and relaxation. In addition, a good night’s sleep is important to make you feel fit and rested.

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