Ready for summer in no time!

We all know it; we go on holiday and stand in front of the mirror in our slightly too tight summer clothes. In such a case you can do all kinds of things. You can visit the gym, follow crash diets, or resign yourself to it with pain in your heart and buy one size larger. But is it really that difficult to lose a few pounds quickly? Perhaps surprising, but that doesn’t have to be the case!

Hidden calories

If you want to lose a few kilos quickly before the holidays start, it is important that you take a good look at your diet. Most people’s diets contain all kinds of blind spots, also known as hidden calories. Snacks that make you gain too much weight and that you could very well do without. Instead of following a complicated diet, you can choose to identify these hidden calories and eliminate them from your diet. This will certainly help you lose weight effectively before the holidays, without major adjustments or effort! But what exactly are those hidden calories?

Dangerous desserts

Desserts are delicious, we all know that, but unfortunately they are often packed with calories. Just before the holidays, you can choose to give up your desserts completely. But if you find that too difficult, you can also choose light products after dinner, such as light custard or low-fat yogurt. Cut an apple through it and you will enjoy your dessert without feeling too destitute. But it is of course even wiser to eat a bowl of mixed fruit for dessert. However, avoid using bananas as much as possible, because this fruit contains a lot of calories.

Bad drinks

Many people don’t know it, but drinks often contain large amounts of calories. If you want to avoid these hidden calories, drink a simple glass of water with each meal. This is a very good way to lose weight quickly, without putting in too much effort. It is motivating to know that you can lose five kilos by simply replacing all glasses of fruit juice and soft drinks with water for a month. If you start this in May, you will be able to lie on the beach in June, fit and slim! If you are doing this, also remember that it is very important to give up alcoholic drinks for a while. They contain a lot of calories and are real fatteners!

Hand out of the candy jar

If you want to lose weight, it is wise not to eat cookies and sweets for a while. If you find it difficult not to snack, eat fruit in between or, for example, a rice waffle. What can also help is a cup of broth or soup in between, to take away the feeling of hunger. One of the most important things when losing weight quickly is your own motivation. See yourself slim on the beach and realize that an apple instead of a filled cookie is an easy sacrifice to make, which will lead to a result that will make you happier than the pleasure of a quick snack!

Get off your chair

Of course, in addition to avoiding hidden calories, it is important to exercise if you want to lose weight. However, this doesn’t have to mean exhausting hours in the gym. If you exercise for an hour three times a week (think walking, but also light jogging), you will lose an extra two kilos per month! Take the stairs more often, leave the car at home, take the bike and play more intensively with the dog when you walk it. Every little bit helps and brings you closer to your coveted goal: going into the summer slim and in shape!

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