Zodiac sign Taurus: character, love, work & qualities

You are the zodiac sign Taurus if you were born between April 20 and May 20. Taurus is characterized by being extremely patient. They look at every situation calmly and wait for the right moment to react. In a discussion, the Taurus can keep his or her calm for a long time. This makes them excellent mediators in heated discussions. Furthermore, they are very faithful and loyal people who will go through fire for their friends and loved ones. They always try to build a good relationship with people.


People with the Taurus zodiac sign will be more cautious in the beginning. They won’t blindly follow everyone. However, when they trust someone, they will put their hand in the fire. Furthermore, Taurus is someone who can work very goal-oriented. They will not give up easily and always give 100%.Another typical characteristic of the Taurus zodiac sign is that they are materialistic. They like luxury around them and love to decorate their home in a creative way. Despite having refined tastes, they sometimes appear stingy to others. This is because they like to spend money on themselves, but less on others.At times, Taurus can seem lazy. They like to put things off until the last minute. However, when the deadline is in sight, they can use their perseverance to complete the assignment in one go.A pitfall of Taurus is that they have difficulty forgetting. When they have had an argument with someone, it usually remains in their minds for a long time. They also dare to be very stubborn from time to time . In this way they strongly hold on to their everyday patterns and their opinions. You must have very good arguments to convince Taurus of your opinion.A final characteristic is that they try to avoid unknown situations. As mentioned earlier , they are very loyal to people, but also to their own daily habits and customs. When Taurus comes into an unfamiliar situation, they need some time to adapt. Only then can they regain their peace and tranquility. However, it may happen that it becomes too much for them. This can lead to a huge outburst of emotions, both positive (happy) and negative (angry).


In terms of love, people with the Taurus zodiac sign are very loyal to their partner. They love their partner and are very loyal to them. This faithfulness and loyalty allows them to keep the passion in their relationship for a long time. A pitfall for Taurus is that they are sometimes too possessive. They like their partner and want him or her to be with them as much as possible. If they do not receive enough attention from their partner, they will become jealous.Furthermore, they are usually caring parents who will always be there for their children and partner. They love to go out for dinner with their loved one. A Taurus’ love goes through the stomach!

Female Taurus

A female Taurus has a lot of patience. Once she has found the ideal partner, she can continue to wait until she has the opportunity to approach him.The ideal partner for the female Taurus is someone who can provide security. She wants to get as much control over her future as possible so that it can have a stable course. Furthermore, it is important that her husband is faithful. She is very stubborn and will not tolerate her trust being damaged.A characteristic of the female Taurus is her sensitive side. She loves to receive compliments and to give love to the person she loves. She is willing to go through fire for her partner and expects the same from him.

Male Taurus

The Taurus man is looking for a woman with whom he can spend the rest of his life. He wants to get to know someone first before taking any further steps. Just like the female Taurus, he also has a lot of patience.The Taurus male provides long-term stability and financial security. He is someone who is romantic and will protect his partner at all costs. Just like the female Taurus, he is very faithful and loyal.


People with the Taurus zodiac sign like work that is not constantly changing. They want financial security. However, when they are given the opportunity to make a career they will do so. They are already doing this unconsciously. They think about how to take the next steps in their lives. Furthermore, Taurus love luxury. They are willing to work hard for this.They are very good at hands-on work and professions that require a lot of patience. Because of their patience, they can spend hours on a task and fully immerse themselves in it. Furthermore, jobs that give them responsibility are no problem for Taurus. They are always very loyal to their superiors. Possible professions include banking, architecture, construction, office work, chemistry, education, administrative tasks, …

Characteristics of the Taurus zodiac sign


  • Fidelity
  • Loyal
  • Heartfelt
  • Patient
  • Trustworthy


  • Jealous
  • Stubbornly
  • Materialistic
  • Possessive
  • Lazy



The throat and neck are very sensitive in Taurus. When a Taurus is stressed, the neck muscles will be very tense. Regularly massaging the neck can remedy this. Other possible complications include asthma, throat infections and lung diseases.It is also important that they exercise enough. As mentioned earlier in this article, Taurus sometimes prefers to be lazy rather than tired. This gives them a chance of dominance. As they get older, it is important to pay attention to this by exercising enough.

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