Avena sativa: helps against nervousness and inner unrest

Avena sativa is recommended in homeopathy for complaints of inner unrest, concentration problems, nervousness, insomnia, depression and nervous weakness. Scientific research has also shown that avena sativa has a strong anti-oxidative effect and that it can help people with concentration problems to focus better. Avena sativa can be used as a supplement in the form of capsules, tablets or drops.

Avena sativa

  • History
  • What is avena sativa used for?
  • Basis for health claims
  • How do you use avena sativa?
  • Availability



Avena sativa is the Latin name for edible oats. Avena means oats and sativa means edible. Most people will mainly know oats as a food. This includes oat flakes, oat flour and oat groats. However, Avena sativa also has an application in homeopathy. Traditionally, the product has not been highly appreciated. There are various historical writings that speak disparagingly about peoples who used it as a source of nutrition. It was therefore seen as a weed among the grains. In large parts of the world it is still only used as animal feed and not eaten by humans. Oats probably owe their name to the animals that eat them: in many languages the name for oats can be traced back to sheep or goats.More appreciation for the usefulness of oats came at the beginning of the eighteenth century, when Lonicerus noted in his herbal book that eating oats is good for bowel movements and also fills the stomach well. Because oats are able to absorb moisture well, they ensure smooth bowel movements. It was also discovered that consuming oats can help prevent swelling of the skin due to heat. Later it was discovered that use of avena sativa also has a relaxing effect on the nervous system, which can effectively combat tension, stress and nervousness.

What is avena sativa used for?

Today, homeopathy recommends the use of avena sativa for the following complaints:

  • Inner turmoil
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Nervous irritation
  • Difficulty relaxing
  • Concentration problems
  • Nervous weakness
  • Recovery from addiction
  • Psychological complaints in premenstrual syndrome and menopause


Basis for health claims

A problem with homeopathy claims is that they are often not based on scientific evidence. However, some research has been done into the health benefits of avena sativa, which shows that it can help against the above-mentioned complaints. For example, research conducted at Tufts University in Boston has shown that avena sativa has a strong anti-oxidant effect. It therefore also has an anti-inflammatory effect and may offer protection to the heart ( Meydani, M., 2009 ).Avena sativa is also known to be rich in B vitamins and other nutrients such as phosphorus and calcium, which are good for the nervous system. It is also thought that taking Avena Sativ A increases the flow of nitric oxide to the brain, making you feel alert yet calm. For the famous TV doctor Dr. Oz, this was even a reason to promote avena sativa.Research conducted at the University of South Australia in 2011 showed that subjects who had used avena sativa scored significantly better on cognitive tests. This partly concerned people who previously had difficulty with their concentration. They were better able to concentrate and maintain focus during standardized cognitive tests ( Berry, NM et al, 2011 ).

How do you use avena sativa?

If you want to use avena sativa yourself, it is best to do this in the form of a supplement. This way you receive the same dose every day. Avena sativa-based supplements are available in the form of capsules, tablets and tinctures. Capsules and tablets should usually be taken three times a day with a glass of water. When using tincture, a few drops should be mixed with a glass of water. Anyone who uses an avena sativa supplement to sleep better can also choose to only take it before going to bed and not in the morning and afternoon.

Be careful with gluten allergies

Because avena sativa contains gluten, it cannot be used by people with a gluten allergy.


Products based on avena sativa are widely available in the Netherlands at various health food stores and web shops. If you choose to use capsules or tablets, you can opt for a product from Bonusan, Arkocaps or Healthy Vitamins, among others. If you prefer a tincture, you can choose drops from Vsm, A. Vogel, Nova Vitae or Zonnegoud, among others.

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