Dog allergy: Symptoms due to dog dander

Patients with a dog allergy suffer from a rash, hives or watery eyes when they come into contact with dog saliva, dander or dog urine. The symptoms of an allergy to dogs are often mild, but some patients suffer from a severe dog allergy. Completely preventing allergic symptoms is possible by avoiding exposure to dogs. However, in most cases, a number of home remedies relieve the symptoms, allowing the patient to still live with the dog with a number of adjustments.

  • Causes: Due to contact with saliva, skin flakes or urine
  • Symptoms of allergic reaction
  • Diagnosis and examinations
  • Home remedies for treating a dog allergy
  • Medical treatment for dog allergies
  • Antihistamines
  • Immunotherapy
  • Nasal decongestants and nasal corticosteroids
  • Other treatments
  • Some advice for allergic people
  • Prognosis
  • Hypoallergenic dog breeds


Causes: Due to contact with saliva, skin flakes or urine

Contrary to popular belief, the dog’s hair or coat does not cause allergic symptoms. Patients usually react allergically to the dander (flakes of dead skin cells), but sometimes an allergic reaction to saliva and urine also occurs . As a result, both long-haired and short-haired dogs may cause allergy symptoms in the patient. Patients with allergies have a hypersensitive immune system. The body overreacts to harmless substances – such as dog dander – and attacks them because it mistakes them as harmful invaders.Red, watery eyes may be caused by a dog allergy / Source: Marco Mayer, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-4.0)

Symptoms of allergic reaction

The severity of the allergy determines the type of symptoms and when they appear. When patients have a severe allergic reaction, they experience signs soon after exposure to a dog. In patients with less severe allergies, symptoms only develop after a longer period of time. The symptoms (such as sneezing and watery eyes) are just the side effects of the body’s attempt to destroy or flush out the allergen.Symptoms include:

  • chest tightness and shortness of breath
  • wheezing (stridor)
  • a stuffy nose, a runny nose or an itchy nose
  • cough
  • itchy eyes, red eyes, watery eyes and swollen eyes
  • to sneeze
  • bags around the face

Some patients with dog allergies also have skin reactions. For example, if the dog licks a patient on a certain spot on the skin, cracks (cracked skin) will develop there. A rash that is red or consists of small, pink, raised bumps (hives) is also possible. Patients with asthma (chronic inflammation of the airways in the lungs) and pet allergies may experience particularly severe symptoms.A blood test is sometimes necessary / Source: Frolicsomepl, Pixabay

Diagnosis and examinations

The patient is given a skin prick test by the allergist to diagnose allergies. During a skin prick test, an allergist places a droplet containing a small amount of dog proteins on the skin. He then makes a small puncture in the skin so that the mixture can penetrate the skin. Most patients who are allergic to the mixture experience an allergic reaction within fifteen to thirty minutes. A blood test is also possible, where the doctor detects allergen-specific IgE (Immunoglobulin E) to determine whether the patient has allergies to the dog. Sometimes a patient thinks he is allergic to dogs, but he is actually reacting to other allergens (triggers) found on dogs or dog hair, such as dust or pollen.Washing hands regularly after contact with the dog (or surfaces where the dog stays or visits) is necessary / Source: Gentle07, Pixabay

Home remedies for treating a dog allergy

Basically, the best method for avoiding the dog allergy is to avoid exposure to the dog. However, when a dog lives in the house, this is difficult to achieve. Dog dander (dead skin cells) remains in the air for a long time and can also be found on household items such as curtains, furniture, bedding and carpets. Hypoallergenic dog breeds lose less hair than other breeds, making patients less likely to react allergically. Some home remedies relieve the symptoms of dog allergies.If the patient experiences problems with the nose and sinuses, he may rinse the nostrils with a saline nasal spray. Certain plant supplements (for example with rosmarinic acid) reduce allergy symptoms. Furthermore, the following tips can be used to alleviate the signs:

  • wash hands with soap after contact with dogs
  • do not touch eyes or face after contact with dogs
  • use a high-efficiency HEPA air purifier
  • wear a dust mask and gloves while cleaning
  • wash dogs every week or fortnightly
  • cleaning the house, washing the bed linen weekly and keeping the house tidy
  • having dogs washed and cleaned outdoors if possible
  • do not allow dogs in specific rooms or areas
  • keep dogs out of the bedroom and away from furniture
  • After petting the dog, wash your hands thoroughly (or shower) and put on different clothes
  • avoiding close contact with dogs, such as hugging or kissing
  • vacuuming with a vacuum cleaner that sucks up allergens in the air (HEPA filter)
  • Clean more often during the winter months
  • Wash dog bedding weekly to remove excess dander
  • Remove as many objects from the house as possible that may carry dander (carpets, curtains, dusty furniture, etc.)

 Various medications can be used / Source: Stevepb, Pixabay

Medical treatment for dog allergies

Various over-the-counter and prescription medications are available.


Antihistamine drugs (antihistamines) block histamine, a substance that initiates local immune responses and causes allergy symptoms.


An allergist treats severe or chronic allergy symptoms with immunotherapy. The doctor injects allergens in gradually increasing amounts. This causes the patient to build up a tolerance to allergens. It usually takes several months to complete the immunotherapy.

Nasal decongestants and nasal corticosteroids

Nasal decongestants reduce swelling of the tissues in the nose and relieve nasal congestion. Nasal corticosteroids help reverse inflammation (caused by immune responses).

Other treatments

Many patients with pet allergies also suffer from asthma. Exposure to pet allergens may trigger asthmatic episodes or worsen a patient’s symptoms. The doctor then prescribes inhalable (inhaled) corticosteroids or bronchodilators (medicines that widen the tracheal branches) so that the airways remain open.

Some advice for allergic people

If a patient knows that he or she will soon come into contact with a dog and has an allergic reaction to the dander, it is wise to visit a doctor a few weeks in advance and start taking medicines. By taking preventive medication, the allergic reaction does not occur. Dog dander can also sometimes be found on visitors’ clothing and other objects. They also take pet dander with them, even if the dog is still at home. It is important to also take this into account. Finally, the advice is not to touch, stroke or kiss a dog if the patient knows that he is developing allergic symptoms after contact with a dog. That is why the patient visits as few people as possible with a dog. For example, if it is necessary to stay overnight in a house where a dog is staying, it is important to ask in a timely manner to keep the dog out of the bedroom, so that the patient does not encounter dog dander in the room itself.


Patients who are allergic to dogs usually opt to make some lifestyle adjustments, such as cleaning the house more often. Over-the-counter medications, such as antihistamines and nasal decongestants, also reduce allergy symptoms. Patients with more severe or chronic dog allergies should visit a doctor. He prescribes medication or recommends therapies to control symptoms. Dog allergies are a common trigger for allergic conditions such as asthma and allergic rhinitis (hay fever). Finally, rehoming the dog is the only option for a number of patients after all other treatments have failed and the precautions are insufficiently effective for the patient.

Hypoallergenic dog breeds

Hypoallergenic dogs are also not allergen-free, but generally have fewer allergens than other dog breeds. Dog breeds that cause few allergic reactions include:

  • Affenpinscher
  • Airedale terrier
  • American hairless terrier
  • Australian terrier
  • Basenji
  • Bedlington terrier
  • Bichon frize
  • Chinese crested dog
  • Coton de tulear
  • Miniature Schnauzer
  • Fox terrier (wire hair)
  • Havanese
  • Irish Water Spaniel
  • Irish terrier
  • Kerry blue terrier
  • Komondor
  • Labradoodle
  • Lagotto romagnolo
  • Maltese
  • Peruvian hairless dog
  • Poodle
  • Portuguese water dog
  • Puli
  • Giant Schnauzer
  • Shih tzu
  • Soft coated wheaten terrier
  • Spanish water dog
  • Standard schnauzer
  • Tibetan Terrier
  • Xoloitzcuintli
  • Yorkshire terrier


read more

  • Allergies and allergic reaction: Contact with allergens
  • Antihistamines: Medicines against allergic reactions
  • Anaphylaxis: Severe allergic reaction
  • Immunotherapy: Allergy injections for allergy treatment
  • Dogs: Health Benefits of Dog Ownership

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