Nutrition and sport, an important combination

Or and if so, how different is your diet when you exercise? That question comes up quite often and apart from the fact that quite a few athletes and non-athletes fill themselves up with all kinds of sports drinks, which are only interesting for intensive athletes, we don’t get much further. However, exercise does have an influence on your body and, depending on how intensively you exercise, your body needs extra nutrients. A responsible combination will get you further. Every body is different and that means that the need for certain nutrients may also be slightly different. However, there is a broad outline and you have to divide the movers into three groups.

  • The frequent exerciser means exercising intensively at least four times a week.
  • The average athlete wants to exercise intensively two to three times a week.
  • The non-athlete means that he or she does sport occasionally or not at all.


Fanatic sports

The avid athlete logically consumes much more fuel than the non-athlete. The fuel must be maintained and a normal diet and a light meal before exercising should go a long way. However, the energy bar can give you that little bit of extra energy that you can use during exercise. However, these bars do not work for long, you should think about 10 to 15 minutes. After that, that extra energy booster has disappeared again. The specific sports drinks are great for intensive athletes. In addition to the energy boost, they also contain vitamins and minerals.


If you do strength training, you need extra proteins and you need them after exercise. This way, the proteins used can be replenished for building up. You can get proteins from meat, chicken, eggs, milk and cheese, among other things.If you participate in endurance sports such as cycling or long-distance running, you have a high combustion level. Carbohydrates provide the fuel for this. You can get carbohydrates from pasta, preferably whole wheat pasta, bread and potatoes. If you eat a hearty meal before exercising, there should be at least two hours in between.

Average exercise

The average athlete does not need to supplement the body with all kinds of extras in the field of sports drinks or bars. Also no extra hearty meals, because the consumption is not so high that a normal healthy meal could not provide this. Make sure you don’t eat your meal too close to exercise. Allow a two-hour difference, but it doesn’t hurt to eat something light just before exercising. Think of a piece of fruit or a cracker.After exercising, it is good to eat a normal healthy meal again. This way the body can replenish the substances that have been removed from the body.

Don’t exercise

Not exercising does not mean that your body does not use anything. Your body consumes anyway, because your organs have to be kept going and they continue to function even during your sleep. So don’t suddenly eat less if you don’t exercise, because then your body will go into energy saving mode and as soon as you eat more, your body will store it.Those who exercise little or no exercise simply need normal healthy meals to function. Spread the meals evenly throughout the day, so that your body is continuously busy and you do not feel hungry. This also prevents you from eating (sweet) snacks.

Sports or exercise

All this is apart from the fact that exercise is actually important for humans and if you are not an athlete, make sure you get enough exercise in other ways. Being active in the household or garden, regularly climbing stairs, walking the dog or cycling to work, school or the shops will also go a long way.


Sports/exercise is certainly healthy, but make sure you also take good care of what you give your body to stay in shape. Healthy food gives no guarantees, but it does form a basis for a healthy body.

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