Insulin resistance postpones the feeling of hunger

An unhealthy lifestyle can disrupt insulin production in the body. There is often a chronic supply of the wrong substances, which disrupts the pancreas. Insulin resistance can therefore significantly disrupt the metabolism and people can become overweight. Why are people less likely to be hungry if they have insulin resistance and what can they do to break that negative spiral?

Insulin resistance

  • Normal function in the body
  • Characteristics of insulin resistance
  • What causes it?
  • Diseases
  • How do you break the negative spiral?


Normal function in the body

We consume fats and carbohydrates through food, which causes the body to supply glucose to the blood. If these are fast-burning carbohydrates, the body may experience a large spike in blood glucose. The body is then temporarily unable to cope with that peak. In response, the excess glucose is removed from the blood by storing it as energy. This means that fats and sugars are stored. The consequence of this is that people quickly become hungry again, resulting in them eating more. The body then enters a spiral, whereby more unhealthy food is consumed and we can gain weight. This continuity can last for a long time, causing one to become obese. If there is insulin resistance, then it is, as it were, enough for the body. The pancreas does not produce enough insulin to compensate for the continuous excess of glucose in the blood.

Characteristics of insulin resistance

The condition ensures that the body can become saccharified. Ingesting fast-burning carbohydrates, i.e. unhealthy food, will cause the blood glucose level to be high, but insulin is not produced or is produced to a reduced extent. Often there is already overweight or possibly obesity and the metabolism is also disrupted. Characteristic of a dysregulated metabolism is that with little food intake no reduction in weight can be observed or losing weight is difficult. However, if you consume a lot of the wrong food, you can have high blood glucose levels for a long time and become hungry less quickly. Due to the reduced level of insulin, sugars are no longer filtered from the blood or stored, making us saturated for a long time. For example, people who suffer from alcohol abuse may first become fat, causing the well-known beer belly. If the situation escalates into heavy abuse, the insulin becomes unbalanced, causing people to feel full for a long time. This may mean that that person can lose weight due to the alcohol problem. Alcohol can then be the only breeding ground, causing all related complaints to worsen.

What causes it?

Diabetes occurs as variants one and two. The first variant is caused by chronic diabetes and is caused by the body itself. The actual cause is unclear, but the patient must add insulin to the body for life. Diabetes variant two is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, which causes an imbalance in insulin production. You can say the pancreas is disrupted and no longer does its job properly. This can be caused by:

  • a history of alcohol abuse;
  • have structurally consumed too much unhealthy food, such as saturated fats and fast-burning carbohydrates;
  • pancreatic cancer.

Having said this, it is also clear how the solution can be found in this situation.


Many diseases or conditions can arise if there is an insulin imbalance. It can mean being obese for a long time to being extremely thin. This obviously depends on how far the situation has progressed and what the actual causes are. In addition, the following conditions may occur:

  • high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease;
  • long-term swelling of body parts or limbs;
  • practically unable to lose weight due to a disrupted metabolism;
  • psychological problems such as depression;
  • reduced vision to the point of no longer being able to see.


How do you break the negative spiral?

It is of course easier said than done, but the advice will be that a structural improvement in health must be made. This does not mean that you should immediately follow a crash diet, because that can have a contradictory effect in the long run. The following tips can help improve the overall condition of the body:

  • eat healthy: consume unsaturated fats and slow-burning carbohydrates. These ensure that many functions in the body run better and that the blood glucose level is continuously relatively low;
  • eat more often: the stomach should be busy, because this improves metabolism. Eat small healthy snacks throughout the day or eat a small meal four or five times a day. Snack on dairy products and regularly add acetic or citric acid to the meal;
  • exercise every day: more exercise ensures that muscles are soaked, and sugars and fats are also burned. An additional benefit is that metabolites are produced, such as adrenaline and amino acids. The metabolism will therefore improve;
  • stop smoking and drinking.


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