The healing power of papaya seeds

The papaya fruit and papaya leaves and papaya flowers are very healthy. The fruit is eaten worldwide. The leaves are mainly eaten in Southeast Asia and are effective against malaria, among other things. The flowers are very bitter and also work as an antimalarial prophylaxis, a preventive measure against malaria. Most people throw the seed away, but it is edible, very healthy and even has medicinal properties! Papaya seeds are good for the intestines that have to do with digestion. In Hawaii, dried papaya seeds are sold as medicine. It contains enzymes that help digestion. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • The taste of papaya seeds
  • Papaya seed has an antibacterial effect
  • Papaya seed nutritional value
  • Papaya seed against parasites
  • Papaya seed against liver problems
  • Papaya seeds against cancer
  • Papaya seeds against hemorrhoids
  • Dry and grind papaya seeds yourself
  • Papaya seeds and honey
  • Eating fresh papaya seeds


The taste of papaya seeds

In India people chew papaya seeds to give the mouth a fresh taste. Papaya seeds are used by some as a substitute for capers. Papaya seeds taste a bit sharp, musty or peppery. It is also reminiscent of the pungency of radish or horseradish. Papaya seeds work well in a dressing. You can dry papaya seeds to put them in a dressing, but you can also blend vinegar, oil and fresh papaya seeds to make a nice spicy dressing.Papayas with seeds / Source: Public domain, Wikimedia Commons (PD)

Papaya seed has an antibacterial effect

Papaya seeds have antibacterial properties. They work against e.coli bacteria and salmonella. Papaya seed also works well against the abdominal infection typhoid fever or typhoid fever. Papaya seeds, like pumpkin seeds, can kill internal worms. Papaya seeds also work well against kidney failure.

Papaya seed nutritional value

Even if you do not suffer from internal bacteria, papaya seeds can offer a solution. Papaya seeds have a soothing effect if you have eaten a lot or temporarily suffer from indigestion. The enzymes in papaya seeds help digest food better. Besides enzymes, papaya seeds contain fat, proteins, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.Drawing papaya / Source: Franz Eugen Köhler, Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen, Wikimedia Commons (Public domain)

Papaya seed against parasites

Parasites can occur in the intestines. Research in Nigeria showed that children with parasites got rid of them if they ate dried papaya seeds with honey for 7 days in a row. 76% of the treated children were parasite-free after a week of eating papaya seeds, while only 16% of the children who had received a placebo were parasite-free.

Papaya seed against liver problems

Papaya seeds are used in traditional Chinese medicine to detoxify the liver. When someone suffers from cirrhosis, it is good to eat papaya seeds. Herbalists could advise a liver patient to eat papaya seeds. A teaspoon every day is enough.

Papaya seeds against cancer

Papaya seeds contain isothiocyanates. In scientific studies on animals, these substances appeared to work well against various forms of cancer. Breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer and leukemia are prevented by isothiocyanates.Two seed-rich papayas / Source: Genet, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

Papaya seeds against hemorrhoids

There are people who have been cured of their hemorrhoids by eating papaya seeds. This can be done in the following way. You peel a papaya and blend the papaya flesh with about 6 to 8 seeds and a cup of water. You will then receive a fresh papaya smoothie that you can drink straight away.Dried papaya seeds resemble peppercorns / Source: Dacnoh, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

Dry and grind papaya seeds yourself

A papaya contains a lot of papaya seeds. Even a small papaya is a rich source of seed. You can keep this seed for weeks in the refrigerator, but it is also possible to dry it. If you want to dry papaya seeds quickly, use an oven at a low temperature or put the seeds in the oven while you have just used it to bake something. The seed will be dried during the hours that the oven is cooling down. When properly dried, papaya seeds resemble peppercorns. It is even possible to fill a pepper mill with dried papaya seeds. The dried grains can be ground and added to food. You can mix the dried seed with butter for a sandwich spread, or mix it with olive oil and grated coconut as a sandwich spread.

Papaya seeds and honey

You can grind dried papaya seeds and place them in a jar filled one-third with honey. The honey gives it a sweet taste so that children also want to eat it. Add as much dried papaya seed to the jar of honey as there is honey in it. Then mix it well. You take a teaspoon of this every day to achieve the medicinal effects. Dried papaya seeds in honey can last for a year.

Eating fresh papaya seeds

You can eat fresh papaya seeds straight away. You have to get used to the slightly sharp taste. You can start with 5 seeds. If you are used to it, you eat a teaspoon of seeds a day. A teaspoon of papaya seeds per day has an excellent medicinal effect; there is no need to take more. You can also mix fresh papaya seeds in a smoothie with fruit juice from papaya or other fruits such as pineapple and banana.

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