Even after the holidays, enjoy life without stress and problems

A holiday gives everyone the time to reduce stress, take a nice rest and do things that he or she enjoys. At the beginning of the holidays, many people who have busy lives with family and work get headaches and do not feel well. This usually improves in the second week of their holiday. After the holidays, most people fall back into the old pattern of hard work, worries and stress within two or three weeks at most. One feels as if there has been no rest period at all. However, there is something you can do to maintain that holiday feeling for as long as possible and reduce the stress of work. Criticizing yourself also helps.

Already thinking about improvements while on holiday

Of course, no one wants to think about life afterward during the holidays, but it is wise. On holiday, everyday life seems far away. It can therefore be viewed from a distance. You will then look at it differently, more relaxed. Even so, as if you were a stranger looking at someone else’s working life.

Relax, but also discover mistakes and problems

Looking at your own daily life from a distance is also good and entirely the intention. Only then can you discover where the errors are. As long as you are busy working, caring, shopping, raising children, maintaining your relationship, and so on, you do not feel like dwelling on the causes of daily stress. There is no time for that. Moreover, it is difficult to look at one’s own life from the perspective of daily situations.

Also acknowledge stress and problems

Anyone who notices that he or she needs a week to really enjoy a relaxing holiday should spend that second week thinking about what is wrong with the daily routine. These are often small things, but they can also be big problems. Sometimes when you think about it, solutions come to you automatically.

Being lived by others causes the most stress

Most stress is caused by the pressure others put on you. Work that, according to the client or your boss, should have been finished yesterday. Criticism from employers or customers that you did not deserve. Colleagues who have outpaced you by elbowing you and stealing your ideas. People who want more from you than you can achieve.

Unnecessary stress can also arise at home

Also look at the home situation. Are there children with expensive wishes that you cannot afford? Do you have a partner who spends more money than is desirable? Is the financial situation the cause of sleepless nights? The list of possible causes of stress is endless. Examine each part and look for solutions. This is a bit easier from a quiet holiday address than when you are in the middle of it all at home.

First find out the cause of your own stress

You often know what causes your own stress. If this concerns a relational situation, talk about it in a quiet moment with your partner and/or with your children. Especially in the second week of the holiday, everyone is more relaxed and a good conversation is possible, especially if you notice that you have already thought about good solutions and are not just criticizing.

Find solutions for a problem-free working year

For example, older children with expensive wishes can take a part-time job to pay for their wishes. It is also a good idea to list all expenses together with your partner and determine what you both consider important expenses and what not. Are there opportunities to cut back or to create more income? Leave nothing undiscussed, but talk to each other.

Don’t hoard problems within yourself

Most stress arises when people keep all problems to themselves and do not talk about them. This way, the other person does not know what you are concerned about and cannot help you by offering solutions. Sometimes those solutions are quite simple. It’s also easier to solve problems when you’re not on your own.

Don’t bottle it up

So don’t try to deal with your problems all on your own, but talk about them. Talk to your superior at work, to the employees of your company, to your partner and children. Moreover, do this in a calm manner and at a quiet time. Problems that are swept under the rug will one day be much bigger.

Stress at work

If the problem lies in your work, resolve to be more relaxed about it after the holidays. If you’re confident that you’re doing your job well, no one has to stress you out, but you shouldn’t let it happen either. Anyone who is assigned more and more work and continues to complete it, even if with difficulty and overtime, will also be given more and more work, until eventually it is no longer possible.

A burnout not only costs the employer money

A burnout costs you your health (and often some income) and your employer money. This must therefore be discussed with a superior in a timely manner. Therefore, plan to make agreements about this during your holiday immediately upon your return. Therefore, try to formulate good arguments with which you can demonstrate to the employer or your superior that it is not your fault, but the excessive workload.

Owning your own business causes more stress because of sometimes difficult customers

Running your own business always causes more stress than working as an employee. After all, you not only have to ensure the progress of the company, making a profit and safeguarding the jobs of your best employees. However, resolve not to let your customers drive you crazy. Your working day is long enough and you do what you can. Accept criticism from customers, but honestly check whether it is correct. If this is justified, do something about it. If it is not correct, let the criticism slide away and do not worry about it. You should simply stop accepting orders from really difficult customers who criticize unfairly and continually want a discount on the bill. They are not worth the money.

Customers comment on your business

In addition, real customer criticism is criticism of the company and not personal criticism. So keep that separate and don’t let it affect your self-esteem. Many people make the mistake of taking criticism personally and can even become depressed or feel inferior. Both are not easy to fix.

After the holidays, also take some time off and try to live a good life without stress

It won’t always work, but try to maintain the holiday feeling after the holidays by doing fun things during the weekend. Eat another delicious ice cream, take a walk, go to the sea for a day of swimming or take a walk on the beach and get a breath of fresh air. Read a book and try to fight the urge to work all the time.

The working week must go well

Of course, the working week must go well, but it is best to make your free time a little more fun here and there. Find relaxation. See which criticism applies to yourself and which to the company and make a clear difference. In addition, take every working day at the company for what it is: a working day that ends in a relaxing evening. Tomorrow has its own worries, but you will see that when you get up again.

Don’t drown in trouble

Never give up on yourself no matter how hard things get! It is sometimes said: “For every problem there is a solution.” That is often true, but not always. You cannot always avoid problems for which there is no solution. Illness, the death of a loved one, etc. are problems that you must find a way to deal with as best as possible. All other problems can be solved one way or another, although you often have to look for them. However, always stay positive.

read more

  • Worrying is negative and unhealthy for body and mind
  • A good stress-free holiday recharges your battery

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