The operation, costs and reimbursement of braces

Nowadays, more and more adults and children have braces. This is associated with the necessary costs. What types of braces are there? How long does braces treatment take? What are the costs of braces? And what is covered by the insurance? Read all about the types of braces and the financing of braces below.

About braces

The term braces has several meanings. In dentistry, braces are a means of correcting teeth. There are different types and types of braces. These types are listed below.

  • Removable bracket . The removable brace is usually the first brace you get in the process. The main task of the brace is to reduce the overbite – the space between the upper and lower jaw. The removable bracket is, as the name suggests, removable. As the treatment progresses, the patient needs to wear the brace less and less often.
  • Outer bracket . The outer bracket is also a removable bracket. The outer bracket is also called outboard bracket. A large part of the brace is located outside the mouth. For example, forces can be exerted on the upper jaw, affecting its growth. Only a small proportion of patients require an outboard brace.
  • Fixed equipment . After the removable braces, fixed appliances are placed in the mouth. These are the so-called locks. The brackets are metal plates that are placed on the teeth. Iron wires are placed between these locks. These iron wires can be adjusted to strength, allowing very precise pressure to be exerted on different parts of the teeth.
  • Retention bracket . Retention braces are the braces that must ensure that the result of the treatment is guaranteed after the end of a brace treatment. The most common retention bracket is the so-called splint. A splint is an iron wire that is permanently placed behind the teeth. It is completely invisible. If the splint breaks off, you should go to the dentist or orthodontist immediately. The result of the brace treatment can deteriorate if the splint is missing. Another retention bracket is the plate bracket. This is a plate that usually only needs to be worn in the mouth at night.



Braces treatment means that you will receive one or more of the above types of braces. Which one you receive will be determined by the orthodontist. This is done using X-rays and so-called bites. Chopping means that a plaster model is made of your teeth by biting into a piece of plaster with your teeth. This gives the orthodontist a good idea of your teeth. During brace treatment, the brace must be regularly checked and adjusted. Braces treatment takes an average of three years, but can also last as little as a year or even five years.


The total costs of braces treatment can never be determined exactly. The total costs depend on the number of types of braces the patient needs and the length of the brace treatment. However, an estimate can be made of the average costs per brace treatment. Overall, the total treatment costs between 2800 and 3500. This includes all additional costs, such as the costs of a defective brace. The pricing is based on a three-year brace program with a monthly brace check. Of these costs, approximately €2,000 has been estimated for the fixed bracket. The fixed brace almost always occurs in the brace process. About 60 per month is for the monthly check. The entire amount is therefore never invoiced immediately. It is important to realize that these are only indications. The exact costs may differ considerably from this indication, partly due to the length of the process and the type of braces.


It varies per insurer how much of the total brace costs is reimbursed. Some insurers cover almost all costs incurred and others cover much less. With most insurers, treatment at the orthodontist is not covered by basic insurance. Additional insurance is therefore required. This is fairly easy to insure for children or young adults up to the age of 22. This means that 80 to 100% of all costs are covered by the supplementary insurance. This is a bit more difficult with adults. There is also less coverage for adults in general. The Association of Orthodontists has its own website: This clearly shows how much is reimbursed by the various health insurers, for both children and adults.

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