Robert’s herb, a plant with medicinal properties

Robert’s herb is seen by many as a weed, but it is a medicinal herb. In the 17th century, Archbishop Robert of Salzburg recommended that people use this herb. Since then it has been called Robert’s wort. This plant grows to a maximum height of one meter and has many pink flowers that grow throughout the season. Flower lovers find it a nice plant, even though the flowers are tiny. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • Wild geranium
  • The medicinal power of Robert’s herb
  • Does it work against radiation?
  • Robert’s herb for the blood
  • For healthy skin
  • The medicinal value
  • Make your own tea from Robert’s herb
  • Robert’s herb as a medicinal herb


Wild geranium

Robert’s herb is actually wild geranium and has free small pink flowers. If you do not take care of a balcony, Robert’s wort will quickly grow between the tiles. Robert’s herb smells strongly like the geranium plants that people normally place in front of the window. This smell seems to deter mosquitoes. Some people rub their bodies with Robert’s wort to repel mosquitoes.

The medicinal power of Robert’s herb

Robert’s herb is a medicinal herb. It is used in phytotherapy. The plant is stripped of its roots and the entire plant is used to make a tea, ointment, tincture, compress or gargle. In the oral cavity it is used as a means to combat gingivitis. Gargling with a decoction or cold tea of Robert’s herb works well against inflamed tonsils. Robert’s herb helps against inflamed eyes. You should then do an eye wash with Robert’s wort. Sometimes Robert’s wort is prescribed for cancer because it has analgesic effects.

Does it work against radiation?

Robert’s herb mainly grows in places where there is a lot of radiation. It reduces radiation levels, according to some sources. This has not been scientifically proven.

Robert’s herb for the blood

The wild geranium plant, which is found everywhere in the Netherlands and can grow rapidly, works as a medicine for diseases related to the blood. Its effects are astringent, blood purifying and blood pressure lowering. It is prescribed by herbal therapists for hemophilia, leukemia and anemia.

For healthy skin

Skin diseases are often related to waste products that come from within. Removing toxins is sometimes done through the skin, in the form of eczema. Robert’s herb can make the symptoms less severe, but it is especially important to provide the body less with waste products and to accelerate the functioning of the liver and kidneys, which excrete waste products. Robert’s herb stimulates the kidneys, bile and bladder when ingested. It can soothe the skin if it is made into an ointment. It can combat boils, fistulas, ulcers, psoriasis, mountain and dew worm, among other things.

The medicinal value

Robert’s herb contains many vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. It contains essential oils, bitter substances, tannins and geranin. It is rich in vitamins A, B and C. In terms of minerals, the plant contains a lot of calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and germanium. Robert’s herb is a natural antibiotic that works against viruses and bacteria. It has a diuretic, haemostatic, digestive and pain-relieving effect. In addition, it is a strong antioxidant.

Make your own tea from Robert’s herb

You can make your own tea mix from the fresh leaves of Robert’s herb. Use approximately 10 grams of fresh leaves per 100 ml. You can also cook the stems. You can pick the pink flowers to let them dry and use them in a tea mix. Robert’s herb has a strong aroma. It takes some time before you have enough flowers; they are very small.

Robert’s herb as a medicinal herb

Throughout history, Robert’s wort has been recommended in Europe for the following diseases:

Diabetes disturbed appetite blood infection toxins (detox) eye irritations diarrhea skin conditions
shingles inflammation rheumatism arthrosis kidney disorders kidney stones herpes
cold lethargy impotence liver diseases hemorrhoids stomach ulcer gout
mucus accumulation gastric mucosal inflammation intestinal inflammation internal bleeding infected ulcers inflammation around the fingernails and toenails cancer


read more

  • Alfred Vogel, Swiss herbalist
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