Lose weight with cinnamon

Many people would like to lose weight. Can you lose weight with cinnamon? Cinnamon is a seasoning, but according to many, it is also an ideal way to get rid of excess weight. How does this work? Is it really possible to lose weight with cinnamon? What should you pay attention to when trying to lose weight with cinnamon?

Lose weight with cinnamon

Cinnamon is a seasoning that can be used for many dishes. Many people say that you can lose weight with cinnamon. Is that actually correct? Many scientific studies have been done on cinnamon and weight loss. It turns out that you can indeed lose weight if you regularly add cinnamon to your diet. Research has shown that cinnamon has a good effect on your blood sugar level and that you produce less insulin. Insulin makes it easier to store fat and with good blood sugar levels you will be less likely to experience cravings. You already have these positive properties if you include 6 grams of cinnamon per day in your diet. This corresponds to a teaspoon.

Other positive properties of cinnamon

So you can lose weight with cinnamon, but there are many more positive properties. Cinnamon is good for your cholesterol. Cinnamon is also good for your immune system and can be very helpful for people with stomach and intestinal complaints. Eating cinnamon regularly is not only good for your figure!

How to eat?

You can eat cinnamon in many different ways. For example, add some cinnamon to yogurt or a fruit salad. You can also add cinnamon to tea. For example, if you choose green tea, you kill two birds with one stone. Green tea also works very well for weight loss. You can of course also make your own herbal tea, with cinnamon, mint and other tasty herbs. Cinnamon can also be sprinkled very well in a stew or over a pastry. So it is not difficult at all to add some cinnamon to your diet every day.

Powder or stick?

You can opt for a cinnamon stick, but cinnamon powder can also help you lose weight. The difference makes no difference. It is also possible to buy organic cinnamon. Organic cinnamon is also available in powder form and sticks and can be purchased at health food stores or ordered online.

Cinnamon a miracle cure?

It would be nice: you use cinnamon more often and you lose kilos. Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. Cinnamon is not a miracle cure, but it can stimulate and make weight loss easier. If you want to lose weight properly, you will have to eat healthy. This means that you eat at least three meals a day and three snacks in between. Make healthy choices and avoid sugars and unhealthy fats. Exercise is of course also important. Try to exercise at least half an hour every day for optimal results. Find a sport that you enjoy, choose something that you can do with great pleasure and can continue for a longer period of time. This will make you much more motivated to actually lose weight.

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  • Lose weight with yogurt
  • Lose weight with green tea
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