Deficiency of vitamin B complex causes concentration problems

Concentration problems are often a result of a vitamin B deficiency. A varied diet provides a healthy combination of foods. However, people on a diet without certain grain products, such as a gluten-free diet (celiac disease), often have a vitamin B12 deficiency. The elderly, people with a lot of stress and people on a vegan diet can also develop a deficiency of these vitamins. You don’t notice this right away, but after a while you no longer feel comfortable in your own skin. Concentrating becomes more difficult. Especially if you are asked to do so for a longer period of time, such as during lectures, a home study, a lecture, sermon or, for example, following the news.

Which foods provide vitamin B complex?

There are a lot of them, because the different vitamin B types are often found in different foods. Although usually in small quantities, but necessary for the functioning of our body. They are mainly found in animal products, nuts and grain products.

Vegetarians and vegans

For example, vitamin B12 is only found in animal foods, which is why vegans in particular, but also vegetarians, who consume few eggs, cheese and milk, often still develop a deficiency. Nuts could reduce some of that deficiency, but people usually don’t eat enough of them, so a certain deficiency still remains.

Anyone who cannot eat wheat bread must usually take a vitamin B supplement

Vitamin B1, B3, B6 and B11 are found in brown bread, so celiac patients who are not allowed to eat wheat, oats, rye and barley often need vitamin B as a supplement in addition to their diet.

What vitamin B gives the body

There are approximately 13 different types of vitamin B, all of which can be distinguished by a number, such as vitamin B6, B11, B12, and so on. These vitamins help the metabolism to convert food into energy. The nervous system is also supported by the family B members. In addition, vitamin B is also necessary for the production and maintenance of hair, nails and healthy skin.

Defects due to a vitamin B deficiency

It is therefore understandable that a deficiency causes a complex number of defects, which means that someone would not immediately think of a vitamin B deficiency. For example, a vitamin B deficiency can cause you to become tired, experience muscle tremors, muscle cramps, concentration and memory problems.

Hair loss and other health problems

Some people experience hair loss, ribbed nails or dry skin due to a deficiency of certain types of vitamin B. Concentration problems can also be caused by a deficiency.

Children with concentration problems sometimes suffer from a vitamin B deficiency

For example, children who have a gluten-free diet (not allowed to eat wheat, oats, rye and barley) often have a vitamin B deficiency, because this is contained in the grains. These children often have difficulty concentrating at school and they cannot keep themselves occupied with a certain type of toys, drawing, coloring, etc. for a long time. They quickly get tired of it and then want to do something else.

A nutritional supplement can help

These children can often be helped with a nutritional supplement such as vitamin B. This will improve their school results. They get better grades, which also improves their self-confidence and self-esteem by leaps and bounds.

The job of the liver

Your liver is a very important organ that, among other things, also stores vitamin B and releases it as needed by the body. However, if your body requires more than what is newly stored for a long time, a shortage occurs and the liver can no longer do its job.

Who needs extra B vitamins?

Normal diet under normal circumstances usually contains enough vitamin B of all types. However, if you are under a lot of stress for a long time, have to worry a lot and/or have to do heavy work, you will use up a lot of this vitamin B supply in your liver. The liver becomes empty and therefore no longer has the opportunity to provide extra food to the diet in case of problems.

Take vitamin B for a longer period of time

It is wise to take vitamin B complex for a while. Especially the version with the fewest added additives. Brewer’s yeast tablets are often sufficient. A shortage cannot be remedied in a week. It often takes about six weeks to get everything back to normal.

Concentration problems and a poorer memory

People on a celiac disease diet often notice that their heads work better after a few weeks. They can deal with the problems of the day better, gain structure in their thinking and notice that they can remember things better. A deficiency makes the head confused and also promotes indecision and sometimes even depression.

Above the age of fifty there is often a vitamin B complex deficiency

It is a known fact that people over fifty consume less from food than younger people. After all, not only the skin deteriorates, but also the organs. It is then good to occasionally consider supplementing the diet with nutritional supplements, so that certain defects can be cured.

Viral infections such as shingles also often result in a vitamin B deficiency

Shingles often occurs in people over the age of 50 who have reduced resistance and/or a lot of stress. Shingles can be very painful and troublesome and the fluid from the blisters is highly contagious and dangerous for newborn babies, small children and the elderly. In addition, there may also be long-term side effects, such as nerve pain.

Ensure good resistance

It is therefore good to increase resistance around the age of fifty. Vitamin B can help with this. An overdose of vitamin B is not a problem, only with vitamin B5 and B6 diarrhea (vitamin B5) or nerve problems (vitamin B6) can occur. The other B vitamins can be taken without problem.

If necessary, have it tested by blood test

Anyone who recognizes the above problems, but does not dare to use vitamin B themselves, can always have themselves tested for a deficiency. Sometimes a big problem can be solved with a small adjustment. Also where health is concerned.

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