Numbness in face: Causes of numbness

A pair of nerves that run along the left and right sides of the head are necessary for feeling pain,…

Itchy skin or itching of the skin: causes and symptoms

For some people, itchy skin is a constant battle. It can be difficult to determine what is causing the skin…

Freckles: Flat, circular dark spots on face

Freckles (ephelides) are dark spots that appear mainly during sunny months on skin areas exposed to the sun. These are…

Koilonychia (spoon nails): Nail disorder

Nails give a good idea about the health of a person. Some patients experience changes to the nail(s) as a…

Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of abundance

Lakshmi, the fortune-bringing goddess of the Hindus, is one of the most beloved gods of the Hindu pantheon of gods.…

Dry eyelids: causes and treatment of chapped eyelids

Many people suffer from dry eyelids or chapped eyelids. Although dry eyelids are a common complaint among postmenopausal women and…

Hydroa vacciniforme: Skin disease due to sunlight exposure

Hydroa vacciniforme (hydroa aestevalis) is a skin disease in which the skin, especially of a child, reacts to sunlight. Recurrent…

Pica (eating disorder): Eating inedible substances

Pica (pica syndrome) is an eating disorder in which a patient repeatedly eats inedible substances. Patients suffering from the rare…

Peripheral neuropathy: Damage to nerves causing pain and weakness

Peripheral neuropathy is a nerve disorder in which all nerves other than those of the brain and spinal cord may…

Itchy back: causes, symptoms & treatment of itchy back

An itchy back is an annoying complaint. The medical term for itching is pruritus. Infections, insect bites and stings, chronic…