Thymus: function & symptoms of thymus disorders

The thymus or thymus is a gland in the chest with an important function. Although the thymus contains glandular tissue…

Shoulder girdle syndrome: Pressure on nerve and/or blood vessels

Shoulder girdle syndrome is a condition caused by compression (pressure) of nerves and/or blood vessels. Shoulder girdle syndrome causes pain…

Gingivitis: symptoms, cause and treatment

Gingivitis or inflamed gums refers to inflammation of the gums around and between your teeth. Gingivitis is also known as…

Blue or purple fingers: Causes of blue discoloration

The fingertips normally have a pinkish tint. Some conditions cause fingers to turn purple or blue. Additional symptoms are often…

Swollen gums: Causes of swelling of gums

Swollen gums may be due to a mild and quickly corrected problem, such as brushing and flossing too vigorously. However,…

Trench mouth: Bacterial infection with gum problems

Trench mouth is a rare bacterial infection that quickly causes serious inflammation of the gums. This condition usually results from…

Folliculitis decalvans: Hair loss on scalp

Folliculitis decalvans is a rare chronic condition. Inflammation of the hair follicles causes painful, scarring hair loss (alopecia) on the…

Itchy buttocks: Causes of itchy buttocks (buttocks itch)

Occasionally patients suffer from an annoying and embarrassing problem, namely itching of the buttocks. The itching on the buttocks is…

Amastia: Missing breast or absent breasts

Amastia is a rare condition in which the breast tissue, nipple and areola are absent. This occurs on one side…

Athelie: Missing nipple or absent nipples on breast

Athelia is a very rare congenital condition in which the patient’s breast tissue is present, but the nipple or nipples…