First (spring) sun: sunscreen for your child and tips

Temperatures can rise considerably in spring. The UV index (sun power) is already much higher and there are fewer clouds…

Pneumococcal meningitis: Inflammation of the meninges caused by bacteria

The meninges are the membranes that cover and protect the spinal cord and brain. In meningitis, the meninges are infected,…

Parakeratosis pustulosa: Deformed fingernail in girls

Pustular parakeratosis (Hjorth-Sabouraud syndrome) is a condition in which a patient, usually a young girl, has a deformed fingernail or…

Nails: Black lines or stripes on fingernails or toenails

The nails often give an idea about a person’s health. Black or dark stripes on the fingernails and/or toenails may…

Saffron: healthy for the heart and stomach and against depression

Saffron is healthy for several reasons. The most impressive health benefits of saffron include its ability to improve your breathing,…

Swollen hands: causes and symptoms of swollen hands

Numerous conditions can cause swollen hands or swollen hands, including injury, osteoarthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome. Swelling of the hand…

Pneumococcal pneumonia: Pneumonia caused by bacteria

Pneumonia is the medical term for pneumonia. Pneumococci are a type of bacteria. Pneumococcal pneumonia is therefore a bacterial pneumonia…

White coat effect: High blood pressure (hypertension) by doctor

Blood pressure rises and falls throughout the day in response to what a person is doing and what is happening…

Superior vena cava syndrome: complaints and treatment

The superior vena cava is a medical term for the superior vena cava. This vein is very important for the…

Tongue Spots: Causes of spots or spots on the tongue

Spots on the tongue are common, usually due to a harmless or quickly disappearing condition. However, sometimes tongue spots are…