Eyestrain from the computer

Anyone who sits at the PC for a long time will notice that their eyes become tired. They become red, dry and painful. One may also experience blurred vision. In some cases, vision even becomes worse. What causes this and how can it be prevented?

Eyes are not made for the computer

The eyes contain muscles that are able to move the eyeballs quickly. The lens is also able to adapt quickly. Eyes are built for this and for good reason: we use our eyes a lot in everyday life. The eyes move continuously: from near to far, from left to right, from bright to dark.Anyone who works a lot behind a PC uses their eyes too little. The eyes stare at one and the same image for a long period of time , at the same distance and often with the same light and brightness. The eyes are not built for this and become overtired because they have to keep focusing on the same image.By staring at a computer screen, we unconsciously blink much less. This makes the eyes dry and irritated. This causes redness in the eyes.

Poorer vision due to working with the computer

Some complain that their eyesight is deteriorating from working so much on the computer. This can indeed happen, but is not always necessary. It is important that the eyes get sufficient relaxation. Most people stare and strain their eyes too much. This is not good for the eyes and can promote vision deterioration. Anyone who ensures that they look at a screen in a relaxed manner with sufficient variety does not have to fear worse eyesight.

Prevent dry eyes

Computer use and dry eyes: a common complaint. This is because people often blink while working with the PC. Although it may feel unnatural, it is important to consciously blink. Normally there is an average of 20 blinks per minute: people behind a PC sometimes only blink 5 to 10 times per minute.Teach yourself to blink after every line or short paragraph you read. Do this calmly and relaxed, without forcing your eyes closed.

Blurred vision and burning eyes

Blurred vision, but also a burning sensation in the eyes, is a sign that too little tear fluid is being produced. Try to blink more slowly and consciously. By yawning in between, extra tear fluid is produced. You will soon notice that the burning sensation disappears for a while as soon as more tear fluid is added. Try to maintain this while working at the PC.

Give the eyes work and relaxation

They do not seem happy with monotonous work: having to stare at the same thing over and over makes them tense and overtired. Therefore, give the eyes varied work. After looking at the screen for a few minutes, it is a good idea to take a quick look around the room or workspace. Just a different image, a quick turn of the eyes, a different light. You can then look at the screen again.It is also wonderfully relaxing to close your eyes for a moment, without squeezing them shut too hard. Just set the image completely to black, so that the eyes don’t have to do anything . This gives them the necessary relaxation.It may take a little more time, but you will notice that by the evening the eyes no longer look so blurry and do not feel so dry and burning. Finally, a sufficient night’s sleep is also beneficial for good vision . Anyone who is very tired will automatically see worse.

Gunnar glasses

Special computer glasses have been designed that remove the blue tones and bright light from the image. They also enhance the image slightly. This keeps the eyes more relaxed. The glasses cost between 60 and 120 euros and are especially popular in America. They are sold under the name Gunnar. They are available in uncut versions, but for people who wear glasses, a cut version will have to be ordered. Gunnar glasses are mainly used by gamers, but are also ideal for people who work a lot at the computer.

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