The nettle diet for good health

Normally, nettle is associated with the annoying sting if you accidentally touch the plant. That is the defense system so that the plant is not picked. However, it has a number of positive substances in the leaves and root, which have a beneficial effect on the overall health of humans. It has, among other things, a diuretic effect to remove moisture and unwanted substances. How can you lose weight with nettles and how does the nettle diet improve your health?

Nettle diet

  • What is it?
  • What is in it that has a positive effect?
  • Reduce conditions with nettle diet
  • nettle Soup
  • Nettle tea


What is it?

The nettle is a green plant that is often found on unkempt plots, along ditches, roads and cycle paths. The name says it all: the plant stings when you touch it. The tendrils have stiff needles and very fine needles on the leaves. If you touch it, your skin ingests formic acid, and the nettle also gets stuck in the skin. This gives a very uncomfortable feeling. The nettles obviously serve to protect the plant. In addition to this defensive effect of the plant, it also contains many positive substances that have a beneficial effect on health. How can you benefit from nettles?

What is in it that has a positive effect?

Nettle has a relatively high concentration of substances such as flanvoids and quercetin, which have a beneficial effect against the development of cancer cells. In addition, it contains a number of substances such as camphor oil and isorhamnetin, which have an anti-fungal and disinfectant effect. In addition, the combination of substances ensures that it has a diuretic character, in addition to which it can give a feeling of satiety. This makes it so attractive to use nettles in a diet to lose weight. In addition, nettles can be used to reduce the severity of many conditions or for preventive use. What does it help with?

Reduce conditions with nettle diet

People can develop many health problems caused by inflammation and other problems with the body. Nettle indirectly helps to reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease through weight loss. It removes causative agents, neutralizes sources of infection and has a stimulating effect on several bodily functions. In addition, it gives a saturated feeling and wicks away moisture. Losing weight is therefore very possible with a nettle diet, but it also improves the overall health of the body. If you have complications, infections and the like in the body or if you want to stay healthy preventively, it is wise to take nettle in the form of soup or tea. Of course the question is how to prepare it.

nettle Soup

Once you have collected two hundred grams of nettle tops and leaves, you can start making your own soup. Make sure you have collected the plants from a secluded area with little traffic as the quality of the plant will be of higher quality. Wash the collected leaves and tops, then bring them to a boil. This ensures that nettles and formic acid are eliminated and the leaves shrink. Quickly remove them from the water and puree. Fry a chopped onion and a clove of garlic in the pan, after which you add half a liter of stock. Mix in the pureed nettle and add salt and pepper. Let this simmer gently for fifteen minutes. Spoon the soup into a plate and add some cream. Finish it off with crispy bread cubes. A delicious but healthy filling meal is ready. 

Nettle tea

Another method to regularly receive the positive effects of the plant is to make nettle tea. To do this, take the top part of the nettle and dry it in the oven at fifty degrees. This way, the drying process is completed quickly and you can store it for a year. Place a scoop of dried leaves in the teapot and add boiled water. Let it steep for five minutes. You can take this every day. Make sure you don’t take nettle tea daily for more than a month to avoid overstimulating the kidneys. Take at least three cups of tea for a month and many complaints will disappear. After a month it is wise to skip a month, after which you can take tea preventively again. This keeps your organs and other intestines free of infections, keeping you healthy. You can get the tea ready-made at the health food store, but be sure to choose the organic variety. You too can remove toxins and acids from the body by taking nettle tea.Please note: if you are allergic, you may overreact to nettle. Always be informed about this in advance before taking it.

read more

  • Bladder infection due to enlarged prostate: drink nettle tea
  • The purifying swelling-relieving effect of nettles
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