Crisis situations in a relationship

Every relationship has crisis situations at some point. If this is handled properly, you can come out stronger. Here we go over the most common crises. Even the best relationships sometimes end up in arguments. It is more or less part of a relationship and certainly does not have to mean the end. It helps you get to know each other better and, if done right, it can strengthen your relationship. Of course, if a specific crisis occurs often, it may be interesting to seek therapy or end the relationship, because then there is apparently something structurally wrong. According to Sybille Labrijn’s book, you can divide crisis situations into seven different types.

Over infatuation

You notice your partner’s imperfections and the less pleasant qualities begin to bother and irritate you. This can lead to doubts and arguments are more likely to arise. You start living next to each other a little more. Accepting each other and respecting each other is the solution. The message is to find the right balance and coordinate with each other. You can also extend this to a sexual level. Don’t always blame your partner for the problem, but also look at your own perception.

The routine of living together

If you live together for a while, the relationship can become a bit dull. Your attention wanes and you feel dissatisfied. It is important that you not only blame your partner here, but also think about yourself. Staying curious and empathizing with your partner is very important and try to share your own passions.

Tightening family ties

In your relationship you will also have to deal with parents-in-law and children. So there is more to it than just yourself. This entails more obligations. It is important to ensure a good division of tasks at home and in raising children. Accept your in-laws and make sure that you continue to spend enough time together, even if there are children.

The temptation

It can happen that one partner is attracted to another. This is a very difficult situation and you don’t know how to respond. Try to be yourself and don’t let yourself be consumed by revenge and jealousy. Talk about it, and curb your anger and frustration. If you are cheating yourself, it is important to see whether everything is so much better now. Is the grass greener on the other side or is this just a temporary flare-up?


Everyone encounters problems and sadness. You need your partner more than ever at that moment. However, some things we have to deal with alone. You have to realize that your partner cannot do everything for you. You feel lonely and focused on yourself. However, you have to be strong and try to take control of the situation.

Midlife crisis

At this moment you start to doubt everything again. Have I made the right choice? Am I happy? You feel a deep desire to turn your life around, you feel yourself getting older and your sex life also starts to suffer. It is important to realize where the problem is, what you still want to achieve in life and see how you can do that together with your partner.

Old age

You often think about the past and wonder if everything went well. You want to reconcile with the situation, find peace and contentment. Enjoy what went well and accept the things you may have missed. Also place the responsibility on yourself. Look for the happy moments.

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