Zodiac sign Virgo: love, work, character & qualities

You are the zodiac sign Virgo if you were born between August 23 and September 22. Virgo is the only sign in the zodiac represented by a woman. Persons with the zodiac sign Virgo are very sensitive. They will not easily reveal their emotions. This sometimes makes them appear distant and cold. Furthermore, they are very practical. When their friends have problems they will always be there to help them. Furthermore, this practical attitude makes them extremely perfectionistic.


People with the zodiac sign Virgo find hygiene very important. They always keep everything tidy, although they do not always radiate this. Furthermore, a Virgo has a tendency to suppress her emotions. This sometimes makes them appear emotionless. This can be an obstacle to forming new friendships.In addition to being aloof, Virgos are also quite conservative. The name Virgo points to the fact that these people feel like they are experiencing everything for the first time. This makes them cautious in every situation and tends to remain distant and conservative. Only when they do something repeatedly will they loosen up.Another reason Virgos suppress their emotions is because they don’t want to show too much of themselves. They are extremely reflective and know their weaknesses all too well. However, they do not like to show these points to others. They try to do everything they can to hide them.Virgo not only has insight into her own abilities, but also into those of someone else. They pick up on personalities pretty quickly. In addition, they are also practical. When their friends have problems, they will try to help them by giving concrete advice. However, when they have problems of their own, it is more difficult for people with the zodiac sign Virgo to solve them.Furthermore, it is characteristic of Virgo that they have a sense of fashion. They will often be the first to know about the latest trends and criticize others on their style. Finally, Virgos are true perfectionists . They love to analyze everything in detail. This enables them to deliver very good work. However, a pitfall is that they sometimes do not see the big picture. They are so fixated on the small details that they lose sight of the big picture. Another disadvantage is that this working style is extremely stressful.


Since people with the zodiac sign Virgo are quick to criticize people and are therefore picky. It is important that their partner is a lot like them. This will make them less likely to criticize the other. However, it is not necessary to be perfectly the same, but in totality they should not be too different from each other.Furthermore, it is important that they receive enough love. A Virgo is very sensitive and will not open up easily. She first wants to check for herself whether her partner has her best interests at heart. Only when she notices this will she expose herself. It goes without saying that they are looking for a stable relationship.

The feminine Virgo

The female Virgo will not open up quickly at first. She consciously keeps her emotions under control. She wants to be 100% sure before she takes any steps. This sometimes makes her come across as an emotionless type. However, this is not true. There is a lot of passion beneath her appearance.It is important that you approach a female Virgo calmly. Patience is certainly needed to win her heart. Once you win her love, she will do much for you in return. She will help you get your life in order and will be very loyal and faithful.

The male Virgo

The Virgo man is a calm personality. He is also more likely to hide his emotions. However, he likes it when his partner talks openly about her own and his emotions. This helps him to process everything better. The difficult thing about this open communication is that Virgo requires a lot of patience. It will take a while for it to fully break free and it won’t be easy to just understand it. It is important that you understand this.Furthermore, the Virgo man is someone who likes a predictable life. He likes to keep everything simple. He is also not the most romantic soul in the relationship. However, it is someone who is loyal and faithful. You will always know what you have in him.


As mentioned earlier, Virgo is someone who is very perfectionistic. This is also true at work. They can spend hours on administrative work. This means that everything is in perfect order, but it does take a lot of time. In the ideal profession for Virgo, both analytical and accurate skills are important.Their analytical skills mean they have a great career ahead of them. A pitfall, however, is that they have to keep their moral side under control . They dare to use their cunning to conquer their coveted position faster.Possible professions include analyst, researcher, administrative assistant, electrician, mechanic, statistician, watchmaker, urologist, dietician, economist, caregiver, psychologist ,



  • Analytical
  • Loyal
  • Trustworthy
  • Orderly
  • Accurate


  • Insecure
  • Nervous
  • Kil
  • Inflexible
  • Overcritical



The Virgo zodiac sign is extremely sensitive to stress. They are people who always want to do everything perfectly. This stress affects their stomach and intestines. Other common problems include mucosal infections, pleurisy, stomach ulcers, pneumonia and nervous disorders.

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