Astrology: the return of Jupiter

There are a number of important moments in your life according to astrology. The return of Saturn, or ‘Saturn Return’,…

Numb Toes: Causes and Symptoms of Numb Toes

Numb toes is generally a result of conditions that affect the nerves and/or blood vessels supplying the feet and toes.…

Tulsi (holy basil) against stress and depression

Tulsi or holy basil is a plant that occupies an important place in Hinduism and Ayurveda. Use of the leaves…

Disulfiram: an aid for alcohol addiction

Many people drink alcohol occasionally, but for some people alcohol is addictive. These people can no longer feel comfortable without…

Itching of the buttocks: symptoms and causes of itchy buttocks

Itching of the buttocks or itchy buttocks can be accompanied by a rash, but can also occur without a rash.…

White vaginal discharge: Causes of white color

During the menstrual cycle, it is normal for women to experience a vaginal discharge. The color and consistency are variable…

Numbness in legs and feet: Causes of numbness

A numb feeling in the legs and feet is common and has many causes. Sometimes this is due to poor…

Jersey finger: Tear in flexor tendon of finger with pain

Tendons are strong bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones. Jersey finger is a condition in which a tear…

Cherophobia: Fear of being happy (happiness phobia)

Cherophobia is an anxiety disorder in which a patient is afraid to experience cheerfulness, happiness or pleasure. The patient is…

Trachyonychia: Nail disorder with rough nails

Trachyonychia (sanded nails) is a nail condition in which the patient has one or more rough toenails or fingernails. The…