Cherophobia: Fear of being happy (happiness phobia)

Cherophobia is an anxiety disorder in which a patient is afraid to experience cheerfulness, happiness or pleasure. The patient is…

Trachyonychia: Nail disorder with rough nails

Trachyonychia (sanded nails) is a nail condition in which the patient has one or more rough toenails or fingernails. The…

Jewish meditation as an alternative to yoga

Yoga is extremely popular all over the world. And for many it helps with flexibility, posture, balance and relaxation. However,…

Burning hands: Causes of burning sensation in hands

Numerous causes are known for a burning sensation in the hands. However, there is usually a problem with blood circulation…

Thymus: function & symptoms of thymus disorders

The thymus or thymus is a gland in the chest with an important function. Although the thymus contains glandular tissue…

Shoulder girdle syndrome: Pressure on nerve and/or blood vessels

Shoulder girdle syndrome is a condition caused by compression (pressure) of nerves and/or blood vessels. Shoulder girdle syndrome causes pain…

Gingivitis: symptoms, cause and treatment

Gingivitis or inflamed gums refers to inflammation of the gums around and between your teeth. Gingivitis is also known as…

Blue or purple fingers: Causes of blue discoloration

The fingertips normally have a pinkish tint. Some conditions cause fingers to turn purple or blue. Additional symptoms are often…

Swollen gums: Causes of swelling of gums

Swollen gums may be due to a mild and quickly corrected problem, such as brushing and flossing too vigorously. However,…

Trench mouth: Bacterial infection with gum problems

Trench mouth is a rare bacterial infection that quickly causes serious inflammation of the gums. This condition usually results from…