Pregnant and gingerbread nuts

Gingerbread nuts are among the most famous Sinterklaas delicacies. While gingerbread used to consist of aniseed-like chunks of chewy dough,…

Itchy fingers: Causes of itchy fingers (finger itch)

Itching of the fingers is an annoying symptom. If this continues for a long time, it affects the patient’s quality…

Dunbar Syndrome: Symptoms, Cause and Treatment

Dunbar syndrome is a condition that causes severe abdominal pain and is caused by compression of the visceral artery by…

Pregnant and blue cheese

Blue cheese is a blue cheese that is popular because of the spicy character of the cheese. For pregnant women…

Fibrous dysplasia: Condition involving fibrous bone tissue

Fibrous dysplasia is a genetic skeletal disorder in which normal bone is replaced by fibrous bone tissue. The affected bone…

Foot drop and use of a foot drop brace

A drop foot brace ensures that you do not suffer or suffer less from the consequences of foot drop. With…

DMARDs: Medications for chronic joint inflammation

Various conditions cause chronic or long-term inflammation of the joints. The rheumatologist then uses DMARDs to slow the progression of…

Foot cramps: Causes of painful muscle cramps in foot(s)

Many patients are familiar with the pain of foot cramps. These cramps are sudden contractions of the foot muscles. These…

Itchy penis: Causes of penis itch (penile itching)

Men sometimes suffer from an itchy penis. This very annoying symptom often leads to uncontrollable scratching in the genital area.…

Summer activities in the garden for children from 4 to 9 years old

What can you do to please the children during the summer holidays? There are plenty of activities to let your…