Vomiting bile: causes, symptoms, treatment vomiting bile

Vomiting bile is an annoying and often painful symptom. Vomiting bile or throwing up bile can affect children, adults and…

Burning legs: causes of a burning sensation in the leg

Burning legs and feet can result from a number of causes, including nerve damage in the legs from exposure to…

Penis Pain: Causes of Penis Pain (Sore Penis)

Most men don’t even want to think about the topic, but they still often have to deal with penis pain…

Tinea barbae: Fungal infection in the beard area of men

Tinea barbae is a fairly rare fungal infection of the beard hairs of adult men. The infection is transmitted from…

Preventing osteoporosis (bone loss) – tips & advice

Osteoporosis, or bone decalcification, mainly occurs later in life. In principle, anyone can develop this condition, although women are more…

Pregnant and shawarma

The nutrition center does not recommend shawarma to pregnant women. After all, it is a heated product in which harmful…

Tinea faciei: Fungal infection with red spots on the face

Tinea faciei (facial ringworm, ringworm of the face) is a fungal infection caused by human or animal fungi. The infectious…

Mycetoma: Swelling of foot with abscesses and discharge

A mycetoma is a potentially serious condition that causes swelling under the foot. Abscesses also develop and discharge comes from…

Pallister-Hall syndrome: Skeletal and brain abnormalities

Pallister-Hall syndrome (Hall-Palister syndrome, hypothalamic hamatoblastoma syndrome) is an extremely rare congenital disorder in which a patient has abnormalities of…

Bile Vomiting: Mild and severe causes of bile vomiting

Vomiting bile (a yellow or greenish fluid) is a very unpleasant and sometimes painful symptom. This occurs in most patients…