Reduce back pain

There is almost nothing as bad as back pain, but there are many methods to actually combat that pain. Read them and apply them. How should you relieve back pain? Many people suffer from lower back pain.

Get moving

If you sit all day (which is already bad for your back), you don’t move; and exercise is precisely the way to prevent back pain. Exercise maintains your weight, strengthens the abdominal and back muscles that support the spine, and increases the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the muscles, vertebrae and other bones that keep your back straight.The form of exercise is not important; A review of numerous studies shows that no one activity can be considered best, nor is it really clear how long and how often you should exercise. This varies per person. We always recommend that you exercise for half an hour at least four to five days a week (for example by walking so quickly that your heart rate and breathing accelerate).

Watch your posture

Surprisingly, this doesn’t mean you have to sit upright. A Scottish study evaluated three sitting postures in 22 subjects using an MRI scanner; bent over, completely upright and slumped slightly. The researchers found that people who sat completely upright had the greatest risk of movement in the vertebrae, which can lead to back problems, and people who sat slouched had the least risk. So look for a chair that supports your back well, but in which you do not sit too upright.

A few tips

Sleep on your back or side, not on your stomach

If you sleep on your stomach, your lower back becomes concave, causing the vertebrae to no longer align properly.

Stand upright in front of the mirror

Imagine what it feels like when your entire body forms one straight line, from ears to ankles.

View your workplace

Even if you’re slumped slightly in your chair, place your feet flat on the floor and make sure your monitor is at the right height so you don’t have to bend your neck.

Tighten your abdominal muscles when walking

Don’t let your lower back arch and keep your head straight.

Walk with a light step

If you “stomp” too much when walking, heavy shock waves are spread through your body that put a strain on your joints, such as the pelvis and vertebrae. Have someone watch and listen to the way you walk. If it appears that you are walking too “fast”, try rolling your foot off as you walk instead of flattening the entire foot. This way, your weight is distributed more evenly when walking.

A good mattress

Do you see a soft mattress in the store? Resist the temptation. A hard mattress provides more support to your back, and therefore fewer complaints. Of course, your mattress should not be as hard as a board: choose a firm, slightly springy mattress.

Lift like a pro

Light objects such as a sheet of paper

Hold on to a chair or table. Bend forward, bend one knee slightly and stretch the other leg back. Once you pick up the object, push yourself back up with your bent leg.

Heavy objects such as a bag of groceries or laundry basket

Stand in front of the object, bend your knees and lift with your leg muscles. Don’t bend at the waist, or rely solely on your arms for strength.


Stand next to your suitcase, bend your knees, grab the handle and then stand up straight again.

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  • Relieve inflammatory pain

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